
The Economy And Specific Markets

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It is crucial to analyse the economy and specific markets due to the significant role it plays on individual businesses. Toyota is an organisation that aims produce excellent quality products and to be the “most respected and admired company.” They also encourage diversity as a part of their company culture and expect employees to abide by their code of ethics. In addition, they follow four core values; “customer first”, “respect for people”, “international focus” and “continuous improvement and innovation”.
“Microeconomics is the study of how households and firms make choices, interactions in the market, and how the government attempts to influence their choices. Microeconomic issues include: the analysis …show more content…

This has turned cars into the ultimate in personal mobility, flexibility and convenience”. (
Figure (A) shows that in the year of 1955 there were limited cars per 1000 people of the population in Australia, as opposed to 2013, which increased greatly per 1000 people of the population of Australia. This goes to show that the demand for cars had increased in that time frame, as the population had increased. The table below figure (B) shows that between 2009 and 2012, the census showed that the main form of transport which was used to get to work or full time study was the car “in 2012 approximately 71% of people travelled to work primarily by vehicle, similar to 2009 72%. Only 16% of Australians used public transport, while 4% walked and 2% cycled”. In other words, this goes to say that there was a high consumer demand for cars between the years of 2009-2012.

(FIGURE A) NUMBER OF PASSENGER VEHICLES PER 1,000 PEOPLE(a) (a) 1955 Motor Vehicle Census data are at 31 December, Population data are at 30 June 1954. 2013 Motor Vehicle Census data are at 31 January and Estimated Resident Population data for 2013 are at 31 December 2012 and re-based on 2011 Census of Population and Housing (Australian Demographic Statistics 3101.0 Dec 2012). Source: ABS 2013

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