
The Downside Of Teleporting In Star Trek

Decent Essays


An Introduction to Teleporting

“Beam me up, Scotty!”

When Star Trek was first released in 1966, teleportation was only a dream. Now a days, people are claiming that future generations as soon as great-grandchildren will be able to teleport with ease. There are, however, many things that Star Trek hasn’t prepared fans for, and although there are many perks to teleportation, people need to weigh in the risk factors as well. The pros may sound promising but, the cons tremendously outweigh them.

The Downside of Teleportation

This paper could go on and on about “the definition of life” or crap like that, however that would be a large waste of time and space. So, with that in mind, this paper shall continue on wayward.

First of all, by teleporting, all of the atoms in the human body would essentially deconstruct and then reconstruct in a new place. With all of this assembling and disassembling taking place, an issue that needs to be brought up and spoken about is whether or not there would be any mixed up body parts as a complication. While the body is disassembling, the heart would temporarily stop beating and the person would “die”. However, the person would not really die. The body would continue on with “life”. It would just be …show more content…

No more super slow text messages being sent in a group chat. Just teleport that information right over to anyone of choosing. No telling when this will actually be possible, but it certainly does seem worthy of trying out. The speed-of-light transfer of the encoded information from one photon to another demonstrates the possibility of secure communication between a network of remotely located quantum computers in the future.[3] This could lead to more secure networks on the governmental level (if used properly) and maybe it could be open for the public to use in the more distant

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