
The Doctrine Of Containment During The Cold War

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Doctrine of Containment
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Doctrine of Containment
The doctrine of containment refers to a set of strategies that are applied militarily in order to halt or effectively contain the radical expansion and military power projection by the opposing enemy forces. The application of this doctrine especially by the United States government reached its height during the cold war era. To help protect the allies from falling under the control of the communist Soviet Union, the united statesa carefully undertook its military operations on foreign soil with due consideration of the doctrine. Eventually, the United States army succeeded in ensuring the retreat of soviet forces in countries such as South Korea, the entire Vietnam and the former …show more content…

NATO is a pact that ensures the presence of a standby mutual defense mechanism especially in the westernized European countries. Notably, the pact was a response of the perceived threat of communistic influence by the Soviet Union. Today, NATO continues the defense and the containment strategy especially towards Russia. This is evident from the proposed inclusion of Ukraine in the European defense pact (Spalding, 2006).
Most of the European countries suffered a significant economic damage after the end of the cold war. This prompted the United States to provide financial aid to help rebuild the damaged European economy, hence the conception of the Marshall Plan. The plan sought to consolidate the unity of these affected states and hence avert the possible exploitation of the vulnerabilities by the superpower USSR. As a Doctrine of Containment strategy, the marshall plan helped in containing the Soviet’s influence from spilling over to the neighboring weak European

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