
The Demography Of Aging Population In China

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Demography of aging
In 2017, the world population is at 7.5 billion people. China is the most populated country in whole world. It has “1.379 billion” (Google) people making it the largest populated country. China is also the most largest aging population making it have a high life expectancy and the high accelerating aging rate in the world (Zheng, 2012). China has advanced with technology and also with age. Only “three decades ago, only 5 percent of the populations was over 65; today, 123 million people, or 9 percent of the population, are over this age which a report released by the government states that China will be the world's’ most aged society in 2030” (Huang, 2013). Since, China is the most largest aging population this means that less people are dying and more are living. Since, more people are living this means that need of long-term care, health insurance, adjustment of policies and how to make everyone comfortable living. China is the only country that has an older population exceeding 100 million and annually increases at a rate of 3.2. A dependent territory of China is Hong kong that has “7.347 million people” (Google). Hong kong also has a fast growing aged population. Hong kong is also trying to adjust their long-term care system, pensions system and policies to accommodate everyone living situation.
` The aging population creates a demographic shift. Since, China has a high aging population it has affected China culturally, socially and family. Families most important social support is family and the kin system that helps functioned family roles. As aging increases, fertility decreases due to families looking for more work and to live their lives doing other things rather than having babies. It will have a dramatic demographic transition in twenty years. Growing old before affluent. Birth control has also helped with lowering the birth rate. The demographic structure has also changed. In 1950 it held a perfect pyramid but as time goes on it shows how the youth became a shrinking population. One strategic solution is the one child policy which helps balance out the rapidly growing population and to help stimulate development. It restricts family size which help the aging population

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