
The Death Of Movie Theaters Essay

Decent Essays

The Death of Movie Theaters?
How Netflix and Hulu are changing the movie going experience. Netflix and Hulu have become some of the easiest and most affordable ways for college students to watch television. While these massive online streaming companies advertise affordability, and vast amount of viewing options, other major entertainment companies are beginning to take notice. “They’re being able to release high quality movie content and original shows that are being able to rival anything that is being made for theaters,” Paul McFerron, Employee of the Branson Meadow’s Cinema’s, told me last week.
McFerron, having worked at the cinema for over a year now, has noticed a slight decline in the attendance at the theater. He believes that Netflix has something to do with it.
“Netflix’s cost per month is around 10 dollars now. A year ago, I believe the cost was 7.99 monthly. What I’m trying to say is that if you come to the theater, one ticket alone can cost around 8 dollars. Then you factor in snacks which could bump your ticket it up to 15 dollars. Plus, if the film is in 3D, then you are looking at a 12-15-dollar ticket, and add however much you want with concessions. The prices are steep, and I understand why some people are passing on theaters.” “The option of being able to stay in the comfort of your own home is very appealing to people right now. I mean, I myself am a college student, and I sometimes don’t have enough money to go to the movies, so the affordability

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