
The Death Of Death And Death

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Death affects people in a variety of ways, often differing throughout cohorts and cultures. Death does not affect everyone in the same way, and often life experiences have a key role in shaping how we view death. Most of these interviewees were from rural Iowa, and could show a contrast from the single interviewee from Tennessee. For this paper, I intend to showcase how several individuals can view death in a variety of ways, and how they can each face their own unique set of problems and resources that can impact their death experience. Among these factors includes life experiences and age.
In preparing for this paper I interviewed four individuals that I know quite well and had assumed would be able to get all questions answered easily. While all individuals were interviewed, some questions they were uncomfortable with and declined to answer. N. is a fifteen year old Christian male from a small rural town in Iowa. A. is a nineteen year old Christian female from a different small rural town in Iowa, about fifteen miles away. P. is a 43 year old male from the same rural town in Iowa as N. He is also N.’s father and could show an interesting cohort contrast. M. is a 65 year old female from Nashville, Tennessee and now has lived in the same town as N. and P. for several years. M. also declined to answer any personal religious questions for this paper.
While most of these interviewees were not able to completely articulate how they viewed death, they put it into a context that

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