
The Correlation Between Social Activity And Subjective Well Being

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523 university students participated in an online questionnaire which contained the ‘Satisfaction with Life Scale’ and the ‘Social Activity Measure” to decide upon if a relationship exited between social activity and subjective well-being. The data suggested that a weak positive connection between social activity and subjective well-being existed. The results supported the second hypothesis that the frequency of social activity would be less strongly correlated with well-being compared to satisfaction with social activity. The results finally indicated that the final hypothesis was supported as a correlation existed with well-being and the satisfaction and rate of occurrence of social activity among parents, friends groups and …show more content…

Subjective well-being has been commonly identified as being the evaluation made by individuals in relation to their perceived personal life satisfaction while social interaction has been defined as the social happenings that take place between individuals.

The foundation of this research is based upon Copper, Okamura and Gurka (1992) and this lab report aims to partly replicate the study designed by Cooper et al. which questioned the relationship between social well-being and social activity of first year psychology students and their friends. The results of Cooper et al. study was gathered from subjects via the use of “The Satisfaction with Life Scale” and the “Social Activity Measure”. The data collected from the Cooper et al. portrayed that the subjective well-being was based upon the satisfaction of social activity rather than the frequency of a social activity.

In Tkach &Lyubomirsky (2006) a similar result to Cooper et al. was established. In Tkach &Lyubomirsky (2006) a diverse ethnic population of 500 participants was used. The participants were all undergraduate students instructed to report their “happiness-increasing strategies’” (Tkach & Lyubomirsky, 2006). Participants were told to complete a ‘Subjective Happiness Scale’ in the form of a survey in order to determine the efficiency of their selected ‘happiness-increasing strategy.’ The results of

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