
Community and Family Studies - Preliminary Study Notes

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CAFS PRELIMINARY EXAM – STUDY NOTES Wellbeing: - Wellbeing is the condition or state of a human being, animal or plant. There are five types of wellbeing… * Physical wellbeing: This is a person’s physical condition, including their appearance and their internal health. * Socioemotional wellbeing: Social wellbeing involves a person’s relationships with others and how that person communicates, interacts and socialises. Emotional wellbeing relates to a person’s state of mind, emotions or mental health. * Economic wellbeing: This concerns the financial situation that a person finds themself in. Economic wellbeing (on both a personal level and a community level) is important in maintaining the other areas of wellbeing as most …show more content…

They are… * Planning, organising, implementing and evaluating (POIE) * Plan, do, check, act (PDCA) * Total quality management (TQM): This model is concerned with the performance of all processes in an organisation, and the products and services that are the outcomes of those processes. It seeks continuous improvement and will involve everyone in the quest for quality. Individual Development: - The eight factors that contribute to an individual’s development are… * Self-esteem * Self-confidence * Peer acceptance * Satisfaction of needs * Heredity * Socio-cultural influences * Group belonging * Environment: The environment that initially shapes our development is our home. As we mature, the locations in which we interact will shape our development. Types of Groups: - There are three types of groups… * Primary / secondary * Permanent / temporary * Formal / informal Characteristics of a Group Member - There are three main roles that a group member can fill, each with their own variations: task oriented, socioemotional, and destructive. - Task oriented people are goal focused and will help coordinate the group in getting something done. They are well-organised, enthusiastic and motivated; however, they often do not consider the emotional impact on group members. - A task oriented group member can be categorised as a brainstormer or an expert. - Socioemotional group members provide support to

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