
The Correlation Between A Fable And The Ant And Tortoise

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Classic lituture will always be around and retold over the generations through life lessons and morals that we try to live by. These morals are thought to use as children and help shape us through these guiding values and morals we learn from. We learn these morals thorough fairy tales, and movies or cartoons as a child and never realize or wonder where did the moral come from, or should I say who was the original creator of this moral I am watching unfold in a Disney movies. The correlation between a fable and the other stories is length a fable is a short-written witty and deeply riddled with moral messages through tails of animals. Fables were for adults but through time have been woven into everyone’s childhood. Fables, Ghost-less ghost stories, urban legends are modern day fairytales or fables. Just as the grasshopper and the ant and Tortoise and the Hare were spread by oral tradition, urban myths are spread by word of mouth, creating contemporary folklore, often with a moral sting in the tail. Aesop’s Fables tell so many morals that is easy to understand and see them worked into many Disney movies. In Disney movies, the violence or death that happens in many of Aesop’s fables if left out to help portray the happy life lesion and morals vs the dark and scary things that can happen with the consequence of your actions. We will look at Disney movies that taught us horrible life lessons verses the classic moral Aesop’s was intending us to learn.
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