
The Controversy Of Violence In Quentin Tarantino's Films

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Barry Seal a TWA pilot in the 1960s famously smuggled plastic explosives, drugs, weapons, and many other dangerous items (Cite). In the new movie American Made is a story about is smuggling life. American Made is also just one of the many films that has violence in it. As americans what makes the violence and crimes in movies so popular? Well, there are many directors who have reasons for violence in their films. Quentin Tarantino, a director famous for his gruesome amount of violence in his films once said, “If you ask me how I feel about violence in real life, well, I have a lot of feelings about it. It’s one of the worst aspects of America. In movies, violence is cool. I like it.” (Cite). The quote from Quentin Tarantino is one of the sides to a huge controversy in films today. The controversy is that there is an excruciating amount of violence, crimes, and …show more content…

To know about the controversy of violence in movies, one must know the two sides of the issue. The first side is that violence makes movies better and the other side is violence needs to be cut down or have a limit in movies today. Quote from Nicolas Winding Refn says, “Just like violence only works if there’s a consequence. There’s a build-up. You can’t just be violent for violence’s sake, because it’s not emotionally engaging, so it becomes bad pornography” (Cite). Nicolas Winding Refn is correct, many movies have violence where violence isn’t needed. The other side is that violence is captivativating in movies and it doesn’t need to change. Quote from Kathryn Bigelow says, “ I respond to movies that get in your face, that have the ability to be provocative or challenge you, that take some risks. I like high impact movies. That’s what I respond to as a viewer, so naturally I respond to that when writing” (Cite). This is exactly what many people think about violence in movies its awesome its makes them

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