This empirical study looks to investigate the consumer trends of the students of Coventry University London Campus (CULC). The aim of this study is to see what the students at CULC prefer in terms of technology. Today a smartphone is able to do all the functions that a computer can normally do and with the passage of time, we see the grasp of smartphones and tablets getting firmer on our lives.
According to Ahmed (1991, p.25) a clear and strong brand image of can drastically increase the confidence of the consumers and it can also convince the consumers to purchase the Smartphone/tablet. Nowadays a vital factor in the consumer buying decision is brand. Customers are more inclined towards a brand that they are familiar with as
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It helps them to better understand the customer segment that is probably the largest chunk of their market share. They understand as to what brand is preferred by students, what their age and gender is and most importantly, how much are they willing to spend on technology. This helps them to make future decisions that can be vital for the company. Alongside this, it also gives them an understanding of competition and helps them analyze how far ahead or behind the market they are and accordingly steps can be taken in the future by the company.
For this study, we used surveys using and a sample of 66 students was taken altogether. This sample helps us analyze the student preference for brands and the time and money they spend on technology.
The survey that was conducted on was circulated to the students of CULC on 1st November 2014. The responses that we got were from 66 students and the pie-chart below shows the gender of the respondents:
The chart above shows us that 68.18% of the respondents were males and the remaining 31.82% were females. Overall the responses that we got from the survey were satisfactory and they give us a reasonable representation of the student preferences for technology here at CULC. However, we must recognize that this sample is not an entire representation of the student body here at CULC. People who are familiar
Despite having a good brand equity, consumers have low perception value for STC computer tablets. The interaction between price and brand showed that STC-price had lowest path-worth values among the other brands-price interactions. Pear, Somesong, and Gaggle have the highest path-worth values with a minimum difference between them.
The Class of 2019 page has over 9,000 members and since it requires a knights mail account it guarantees these participants are students. The Greek life groups also are all students which gave me even more results that I needed. I received 99 responses but 2 responses were from outside my target demographic so I used the tool Survey Monkey offers to delete their responses. I had ten questions that I asked. I asked their age so that I could decide if they were the right demographic for my study. I asked what video streaming websites they belonged to or used. I also asked the hours a day they spend on television and the hours they spend with friends, as well as if they watched television alone or with a friend. I asked if they watched similar television shows to their friends, as well as if they would prefer to go out with a friend or to watch Netflix. Finally I asked what device they use to watch Netflix along with how many episodes in a row they usually watch. I wanted easy quick questions so that I didn’t take up too much of my respondent’s time. I included an “Other” option because some of the questions I knew could have answers I was unaware of. The information I gathered in the survey was to see what college student’s television streaming habits were like so that I could analyze them.
In this paper, we are going to continue investigating Amazon Kindle Fire, the newest tablet in the market. It is interesting to analyze this to the strongest competitor, Apple iPad. We will discuss what kind of category Kindle Fire belongs to, how is its product life cycle and its branding strategy. And we will take a look at what distribution strategy it applies, what the pricing strategy is as well as its promotion strategy. Finally, we will make some recommendations to Amazon Kindle Fire’s marketing mix, which are product, price, place and promotion.
I cannot see somebody without it.” Technological instruments such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones are necessary for every college culture. For example, the three people interviewed related with college mentioned that electronics are the most important objects in their college culture because they are needed to interact between them through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MySpace, and much more.
Do you think that there are more females or males in the STEM field? Why or why not?
Many college level students have and use the applications their cell phone providers offer. When interviewed, H. Khaleghi, a student at Robert Morris University, states that he uses his cell phone for many different reasons, including helping him stay organized (personal communication, January 24, 2012). He finds himself using the calendar, calculator, and notepad applications frequently. Another student at Robert Morris University, L. Sobolosky, says “Without my cell phone, I wouldn’t know where to be or what to take with me,” (personal communication, February 16, 2012).
Both male & females participated in this survey. There were more female than males who participated in this survey (See Figure 1).
A total of 30 students from Northside Christian college were surveyed in 2016 separated into female and male. All of the students were categorised into ages; 12-13, 14-15, 16-17 to allow an unbiased investigation. This particular survey consisted of a series of 14 questions relevant and valid such as:
Beginning with a convenience sampling approach aided us to get a reasonable number of participants over a short period of time. We hoped that starting with convenience sampling would lead to a somewhat snowball-sampling effect. All surveys in, this yielded 156 participants, 131 of who were females, 26 who were males, and 2 participants who selected both genders. One participant stated their gender as “other”, and filled in the space left to specify as “Apache Helicopter”. This participant’s answers were discarded. Approximately 60% of the participants described themselves as post-secondary students, and they ranged over several fields of study. Students everywhere from business to musical theatre programs participated, leading to a wide range of results. We found this helpful as it gave different perspectives from different majors, and we were able to analyze how certain faculties view each
- Helps to identify opportunities in the market place. - Minimize the risk of doing business. - Uncovers and identifies potential problems. - Create benchmarks and helps track progress. - Evaluating the success of the business.
The Demographic Survey will be on paper, even though technology is known for its fast speed and convenience towards tasks (Jones, 2001). Having the participants circle or write down an answer can also emerge this study in a positive way. This survey will be taken before the participant’s first exam in their new semester.
A total of 18 University of California, Los Angeles undergraduate students from a research methods class were used to fulfill a course requirement. The gender breakdown was comprised of 15 self-identified females, 2 males, and 1 gender queer. The mean age was an average of 20 with an age range from 18 years to 22 years.
The age group which students are classified into are highly aware of new technology, especially mobile phones and often desire the latest technology.
The results of the survey show that 66.7 percent of women versus 33.3 percent of men were surveyed. The survey was slightly skewed in this manner, but the coverage was still reached. Also, the majority of the survey was a single crowd. 77.2% of the poll was single, compared to 22.8% being married.
Researcher wanted to know the number of respondents according to their sexes. Both men and women equally featured in this research.