
The Common Occurrences Of Comorbidity Between The Disorder

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As mentioned previously, there is an overlap between the personality clusters. The most significant comorbidity occurrences with ASPD include paranoid personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (Out of the Fog, 2015) See figure 4 (Appendix C). Furthermore, additional studies are suggesting that 67% of those diagnosed (DSM-IV) with a personality disorder also met the criteria for at least one other mental disorder. Antisocial personality disorder has often been found to coexist with anxiety disorders (52.4%), mood disorders (24.1%), impulse control disorders (23.2%), and substance abuse disorders (22.6%) (Out of the Fog, 2015). The common occurrences of comorbidity between the …show more content…

With so many similar antisocial traits making up both diagnoses of CD and ASPD as well as having similar risk factors predisposing the progression to each disorder, it seems relevant to assume there is some connection to the disorders.
Literature Review Lee N. Robbins, PhD., was among the first to publish a large scale research study on adults who as children, showed deviant behavior. Her findings revealed that the majority of adults with antisocial behavior also displayed symptoms relating to conduct disorder as children. Additionally, she concluded that about one third of those with conduct disorder will be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder as adults (Kjelsberg, 2006).
Numerous other studies since Robins have been done to show a correlation and a progression between CD and ASPD. Research published in 2005 found similar associations as Robins did in 1966. Lahey et al., found the progression from childhood CD to ASPD to be 37% (n=177; male) “greater at each higher number of childhood CD symptoms” which advocates that behaviors associated with CD significantly predict the future diagnosis of ASPD with the DSM-III-R. Additionally, when taking socioeconomic status (SES) into consideration, 65% of the male children who met the criteria for CD also came from lower SES families. See figure 5 and 6. (Appendix D) (Lahey, Loeber, Burke, & Applegate, 2005).

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