
The Chronicles Of William Faulkner

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The Chronicles Of William Faulkner

“ Man is born and chains, and even when he is chain broken, he still is not free.” William Faulkner remains one if the most preeminent American writers of the twentieth century. ‬Faulkner had a great influence on the modern day literature he was very popular for his poetry, short stories, his novels, and screen plays. Faulkner is among the top five writers in literary history, Faulkner meanly wrote about the American South and Mississippi he still received the respect as a novelist in Spain, Japan, France and Russia.

“Help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and pity and sacrifice which have been of his past.” (Oates,246) was stated in his acceptance speech. Many say that his writing reflects on today’s literature. He is known for making a enormous remark on the evolutionary periods in this society. ‪Faulkner’s style in his short stories is not the same as the typical writing you see in most short stories. Faulkner’s narrative techniques show numerous descriptions, details, and has a complex structure presented in his stories. ‬‬

William institutes characters just from using vivid descriptions and explanatory images. ‬His acknowledged writings‬‪ are “The sound and the fury”, “As I lay dying”; “Light in August” etc. “In a rose for Emily” Faulkner describes the Grierson house “It was a big squarish frame house with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies in the heavenly lightsome style of the

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