
The Cheyenne Tribes Of The Native American Indians

Decent Essays

The Cheyenne was one of the most famous tribes of the Native American Indians. They lived on the Great Plains in what is now South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, and Kansas. During the 1800’s, the U.S. government forced the Cheyennes to move to Oklahoma. Today, there are two Cheyenne tribes. The Southern Cheyenne live in Oklahoma while the Northern Cheyenne settle in Montana.
The Cheyenne had an interesting culture and way of life. Boys were taught how to hunt, fish, and fight from their fathers. Girls learned how to cook, clean, and do chores around the house. Also, the children went to school and played with dolls, toys, and games. For example, the Cheyenne kids enjoyed playing the hoop game and lacrosse. A Cheyenne woman was responsible for building her family’s house. She dragged heavy posts with her whenever the tribe moved. Later on, the Cheyenne Indians killed buffalo so they could use buffalo hide to make teepees. They lived in teepees because it was easy to set up and take down. As a result of moving frequently, a teepee allowed the Cheyenne tribe to move within an hour. The Cheyenne women harvested corn, squash, and beans while the men hunted deer and buffalo. Also, they ate fish, fruit, and berries. For clothing, the Cheyenne women wore long deerskin dresses that were decorated with porcupine quills, shells, and elk teeth. Cheyenne men wore breechcloths with leather leggings in colder climates. Men wore moccasins while the women wore high fringed boots. Chief leaders had tall feather headdresses and long warbonnets. The hair style for men was long braids with a topknot and women wore their hair loose or braided. The Cheyennes painted their faces for war, religious ceremonies, and feasts. Lastly, the Cheyenne people were very religious. They performed an elaborate Sun Dance, smoked peace pipes, built ceremonial houses, and four arrows represented their sacred object.
The tribal government of the Cheyenne Indians was called the Council of Forty Four. It was formed by ten bands of the tribe. The council was made up of four chiefs from each band as well as four “Old Man” chiefs. Each chief served a ten year term. Every summer, the Council of Forty Four made decisions

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