
The Causes Of Teen Pregnancy

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In my local community in the Dallas area, we have many problems, but the problem to talk about is teenage pregnancy. What is teenage pregnancy? Teenager pregnancy is a young person who has undergone puberty, but who has not reached full maturity. Teenagers range for ages 13 to 19 yrs. This is stage a were for many parents who have teen girls, there are worry multiple causes for including unexpected pregnancy. I read a very touching story on the internet source www.word about 16 years old girl name Lily. She found that she is pregnant. She knew that her parents, would never accept her or love her anymore. Lily wander, how to tell the sad news to her mother. Her mother was shocked.”How can you be so stupid Lily?” I never expected this from you.” The parents were of a church going Christian background. According to the faith, having a baby out of wedlock was sinful and abortion is a sin too. So, parents then decided to send Lily to her aunt's out of town. It was in the country. They stopped contact with anyone. Lily had to quit school until she delivered and raised the baby. She struggled psychologically without any kind of support, compassion, from her boyfriend and parents. She was allowed to remain with guilt, shame, depressed and rejection. Many teenagers like Lily go through a lot when becoming a teen mom. My question for any audience is why must a teenager goes through suffering the pain of rejection from parents, boyfriend and even the community when this

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