
The Cause Of A Child Living In Poverty

Decent Essays

Society has gotten to a point in which many of those whom are left in poverty stricken situations are forgotten. We sometimes seem to care more about the health and wellbeing of those in other countries before helping those closest to home during their time of need. Many continue going about their day to day lives not realizing those forgettable people we threw to the side were once children that could have been helped if we had just taken the extra time and concern. Those people could have had the chance to live up to their full potential and perhaps could have changed the world. Children who live in poverty are subjected to such things as lower education attainment as well as low earning potential. Poverty stricken children are more likely to be raised in poor neighborhood environments, have less access to food, minimal access to health care, and a toll can be taken on their emotional and behavioral development. So what could be the cause of a child living in poverty? There is only one answer to that question and that is “INCOME”. If a family does not have the financial means to run a family then there will be many things that they will have to go without. The most important of those things is a child would be growing up and missing out on many mental growth developments. Living in poverty brings forth lots of risk to a child’s overall development. However, we must get to the root of the issue in order to find a way to solve the problem. Through research I was able to

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