
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Sallinger, Questions and Answers

Decent Essays

For this guided reflection paper, I observed two classrooms, the first was “Mr. M’s” 10th grade, 3rd period ELA class and the second was “Mrs. L’s” 11th grade, 4th period ELA class. Both observations were done on April 9th at the same high school. The focus for this paper was the teachers and specific components of their lesson plans. Both classrooms were not only engaged in different reading materials but also in different parts of their unit plan. “Mr.’M’s” class was just beginning their unit plan on the novel The Catcher in the Rye while “Mrs. L’s” class was finishing up their unit plan on the novel The Scarlett Letter. Both classrooms had different, specific learning goals, activities, and assessments. “Mr. M’s” lesson was meant to introduce students to the novel The Catcher in the Rye and get them to start working on their culminating journal project. One learning goal for the lesson can be found in the AIM, “How can observing our surroundings help us to understand our place in the world”. One way “Mr. M” addressed this learning goal was through the DONOW, by having the students observe their surroundings and write about what they observed, the students become more aware of their surroundings. This not only helps them understand and connect with the main character Holden, but also helps them discover more about themselves as a person and “understand their place in the world”. I spoke with “Mr. M” after class about the lesson and he informed me that he was using

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