In the article “What will happen when the “big one” hits California?” it's focused
on the effects and what might happen to make the audience be more interested and want
to keep reading the article. By making the title a question it makes the article more
persuasive for the audience to get the answer. It uses ethos to appoint the statements
stated. The article was very well put together and had a good format which made it easy
to read. Includes links and other sources to back up statements also includes an
“The big one” is referred to as the earthquake that could happen. On March 17,
2014 there was an earthquake with a 4.4 magnitude in California. It shook the ground
which made even the news anchors to duck
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According to the LA times the article states that the 4.4 magnitude earthquake
could possibly be a fore shock for a bigger one. It is also stated that the “Ring of fire” is
becoming more active over time and California is right on the coast of it. This makes
the audience be informed of what could possibly be in the future.
The article was written to inform the readers of the situation going on and the
possibilities that could happen later on. This article was well written and pointed out the
facts. It is very still unknown of the possible outcome that can happen. It is true that
California is over due for an earthquake which means that the tectonic plates are shifting
upon one another and if they do it under a lot of pressure what could happen next, Many
scientists believe that could never happen and others are not sure ( Picture showing the
movement in the end of the article). Therefore, We can't predict the future so it's
pointless for us to worry and try to figure out when the next big earthquake could
happen. Like how the U.S. Geological Survey seismologist David Oppenheimer said
“ It could be today. It could be 100 years from now.” We have no control over it,
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The article is written on a trendy website. The author uses a serious tone
throughout the whole article and has different sources in it also like the LA times
article link included. He does although add in a little humor and says “If you want a
good laugh check out the video I posted below” which is a video of the news reporters
live when the earthquake occurred and how the studio shook and they bent down
under the table. They get up and notice that actually even some of the stuff from the
ceiling fell down and the screen behind them was still shaking. After the earthquake
passed they went to their other live reporter that was in Los Angels and he told them that
about 10 seconds after the earthquake hit LA.
In conclusion, The article wanted to point out that California could be in serious
damage and the effects could be drastic. It wanted to grab attention to the people that
live in California. He caught the attention of readers by the title. The text was
straight-forward and other sources were included. Over all the article was very
informative and it was created to address the issue or the possibility that might
An Earthquake that registered 7.8 on the Richter Scale which lasted approximately 1 minute caused catastrophic damage to the City of Berkeley and LPHG. As a result of the Earthquake 31
At the beginning of the article, the author brings to the public attention that the
Northern California. High intensity shaking was felt stretching from Salinas Valley to Eureka on the North Coast. The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 was one of the worst and most fatal earthquakes in both California’s and the United States’ history.
3. Earthquakes of a magnitude 6 or greater may occur one every 50 – 330 years. The last “Big One” was estimated to be around 700 years ago.
According to our textbook, it appears that an earthquake poses a greater threat to the Pacific Northwest than a volcano does. The text states that “California’s San Andreas Fault runs diagonally from southeast to northwest for nearly 800 miles.” In the lecture notes, it shows a diagram of the earthquakes that have occurred since 1977 along the Pacific coast, and the area is riddled with earthquakes. The likelihood of a massive scale earthquake occurring in the Pacific Northwest has been predicted; however, our lecture states that we are unable to predict an earthquake and are only able to gauge the probability of one occurring. Those who would be in harm’s way would be those people who fall within the Mercalli Intensity scale area, and those
The scenario mentioned above was based on the rupture located along the Cascadia fault line. This fault system runs
California is due to be hit by an earthquake with an high magnitude of 8.0 comparable to the 1906 San Francisco 7.6 earthquake.
David Hume, in An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding, discusses how we cannot predict the future. Even though our experiences and our reasoning tell us that objects act in a predictable way, we still cannot prove how objects will act in the future based upon previous interactions. After biting into a piece of pizza we expect an enjoyable taste. This enjoyable taste is expected because our past experiences have proven this to us. Even though we think we can predict that the pizza will act the same as our previous experiences, it may just blow up upon biting. Hume explains that there is no way to predict the future based on our previous experiences and reasoning and I will explain the logic he uses to prove this.
There are thousands of people living in San Francisco, without knowing that they are at a high risk of fatality at this moment. People should not be living too close or on a fault line, especially without the knowledge of the risks they are taking. The San Andreas fault line is a juncture of the Pacific and North America plates. The fault line is 800 miles long. It starts close to Eureka and ends above Brawly. Scientists predict that an earthquake can happen at the San Andreas fault line any moment right now and with very high likelihood of happening sometime before 2032. In the event of an earthquake, many lives will be lost, money will be spent, and in some cases, residents are ignorant of the peril.
The west coast can be split in half! There is no doubt that the west coast is aware of the monstrous earthquake that will happen in the near future, but unfortunately as a community we are not prepared for what is yet to come. California is right in the middle of the San Andreas fault line, therefore the whole state will be hugely affected by the upcoming earthquake. Thus, making it important for the state to prepare what is coming ahead. As a citizen of California, it is essential to know how to mentally and physically to be prepare for the earthquake and how to adapt afterwards, in order to succeed for the aftermath of the natural disaster, and not fail alike the failures of Hurricane Katrina. As united citizens, we must be prepare for the upcoming earthquake as a global community in order to prevent disorganization and control, such as Hurricane Katrina displayed, to rebuild as quickly and successfully as possible as a nation.
California is one of the most progressive states in America, and is constantly evolving and advancing in fields such as technology, food, and entertainment. The biggest change in California is not one of those three but rather the climate. Climate change is a term coined by physicist Gilbert Plass during the 1950’s to describe the total change in global climate patterns. In his research Plass discovered that the earth was heating up due to carbon dioxide emissions trapping heat from escaping the earth’s atmosphere. What he really discovered was the connection between climate change with global warming and the greenhouse effect. California specifically has contributed significantly to carbon dioxide emissions and the warming of the earth. We
Predicting earthquakes can help prevent death and injury rate by sending out warnings. This will help people evacuate buildings, schools, or the whole area. Some sources claim that predicting earthquakes
The first “big one” that hit California was in San Francisco by the San Andreas Fault. This earthquake gave recognition to the dangers of the tectonic plates right beneath us. In Northridge, a 6.4 earthquake occurred that caused the I-5 and route 14 highway to
Based on the tectonic movement data there are many movements happening constantly to our earth's crust, though the rate is as slow as the growth of a fingernail it is making big movements on the crust. Baja California is in a sliding movement on the San Andreas fault line and could end up sliding up the coast of California (Abbott, 2013). Hawaii is not on a fault line, however it is in a very volatile spot described as a rift. This rift is constantly building now volcanoes and structures below the surface of the water and shielding the plates from rifting and pulling the islands into the rift (Abbott, 2013).
The United States seems to focus mainly on hurricanes, rather than on earthquakes, solely for the reason that, especially recently, hurricanes have caused havoc among the citizens of America. Because of the fear that America holds towards hurricanes they are so focused