
The California Earthquake

Decent Essays

In the article “What will happen when the “big one” hits California?” it's focused

on the effects and what might happen to make the audience be more interested and want

to keep reading the article. By making the title a question it makes the article more

persuasive for the audience to get the answer. It uses ethos to appoint the statements

stated. The article was very well put together and had a good format which made it easy

to read. Includes links and other sources to back up statements also includes an


“The big one” is referred to as the earthquake that could happen. On March 17,

2014 there was an earthquake with a 4.4 magnitude in California. It shook the ground

which made even the news anchors to duck …show more content…

According to the LA times the article states that the 4.4 magnitude earthquake

could possibly be a fore shock for a bigger one. It is also stated that the “Ring of fire” is

becoming more active over time and California is right on the coast of it. This makes

the audience be informed of what could possibly be in the future.

The article was written to inform the readers of the situation going on and the

possibilities that could happen later on. This article was well written and pointed out the

facts. It is very still unknown of the possible outcome that can happen. It is true that

California is over due for an earthquake which means that the tectonic plates are shifting

upon one another and if they do it under a lot of pressure what could happen next, Many

scientists believe that could never happen and others are not sure ( Picture showing the

movement in the end of the article). Therefore, We can't predict the future so it's

pointless for us to worry and try to figure out when the next big earthquake could

happen. Like how the U.S. Geological Survey seismologist David Oppenheimer said

“ It could be today. It could be 100 years from now.” We have no control over it, …show more content…

The article is written on a trendy website. The author uses a serious tone

throughout the whole article and has different sources in it also like the LA times

article link included. He does although add in a little humor and says “If you want a

good laugh check out the video I posted below” which is a video of the news reporters

live when the earthquake occurred and how the studio shook and they bent down

under the table. They get up and notice that actually even some of the stuff from the

ceiling fell down and the screen behind them was still shaking. After the earthquake

passed they went to their other live reporter that was in Los Angels and he told them that

about 10 seconds after the earthquake hit LA.

In conclusion, The article wanted to point out that California could be in serious

damage and the effects could be drastic. It wanted to grab attention to the people that

live in California. He caught the attention of readers by the title. The text was

straight-forward and other sources were included. Over all the article was very

informative and it was created to address the issue or the possibility that might

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