
The Butter Battle Book Analysis

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In the children's story ‘The Butter Battle Book’ by Dr. Seuss, two nations come to head with one another after a decades long conflict. The two nations, the Yooks and the Zooks, live on opposite sides of a wall and hate each other for their individual nations way of spreading butter. The conflict reaches a new high when one of the Zook’s guards destroys the weapon of the Yook guard. At this point the Yook guard trudges back to his leader to get a new weapon, something bigger and better than what the Zooks have. The rest of the story focuses on the both the Yook and Zook guards going back to their separate leaders and receiving bigger and better weapons to destroy the other side. At the end of the book it becomes clear that the if the conflict continues in the way that it has been going until now, both the Yooks and the Zooks will be unable to survive. In order to prevent this horrific downfall I am proposing a way to de-escalate the conflict in a way that will lead to conflict resolution or at the very least conflict management. …show more content…

In ‘The Butter Battle Book’, we see that the leaders of both sides are unwilling to give up and are heavily invested in this conflict. Similarly the exercise that we did in class with the 10 shekel illustrated that the more invested a person is in a situation the more irrational they are in regards to their decisions. Thus, I believe that in order to de-escalate the butter spreading conflict it is imperative to remove the current leaders and replace them. These leaders are to invested in the past and they believe that they can win, but in reality the Yooks and the Zooks will always remain in a

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