
The Broad Therapeutic Goals

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The broad therapeutic goals are to ultimately help the client live a fulfilling life, without the maladaptive thoughts that they are having, which brought them to therapy. This ultimate goal can be accomplished by changing the client’s current thoughts, which are causing them unease, to more positive and/or healthy ones. Clients need to examine how they dealt with situations in the past, and determine what worked, and what did not, so that they can change the strategies that didn’t work. When clients realize that they can change their thoughts, this will trickle down and change their emotions and behaviors as well. Once they understand this, it will help them to live healthier lives. One of the goals is also to equip the client with the necessary tools so that they can cope with situations on their own. Some techniques that are central to this orientation are, having very clearly defined action plan. This will help with the direction of the therapy, which the client has agreed on and helped to establish. I also believe that inventories are very helpful, because they can help to identify any problems that the client has not raised. They are also useful for helping to determine what type of goals should be pursued, or if there’s a more immediate problem, which the client has not, mentioned, or is not aware of. Inventories also provide a good base, and can provide useful information about the client, as well as help to assess the client’s mood. The inventories should not only

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