
The Brain Myth: How Does The Human Brain Work?

Decent Essays

How does the human brain work? This was been the question that many scientists have tried to answer. Many scientists can give you many different kinds of answers about the subject, but how do we know what is true or not. Over the years there were many answers to this question that were true and false. In this essay I will talk about the top four myths about the human brain: the myth that humans only use ten percent of the brain, the myth that the bigger the brain the better, the myth that a person's personality displays a right-brain or left-brain dominance and the myth that we only have five senses.
Many time we have been told that our brain uses only then present of the brain, but is this really true? This is the biggest brain myth of all time. No one really know from where the myth really came from, but it is simple untrue. Many believe that it was a lie that scientists made up, so that they can make money out of it. The truth is that we use most of our brain. We cannot use all of the part of the brain at once, because our brain is not made that way. We use different parts of the brain for different things like: adapting, deciding, planning and reasoning. It is ridiculous to think that our brain less than ten present, because as humans our brain is only two percent of the bodies mass, but it use twenty percent of …show more content…

You would not believe me, but many people still believe that the bigger our brain is the smarter we are. The human brain intelligence is not measured by the size or shape of the brain. The real truth lies in the fact that human’s brain is measured by how densely networked our brains are. A fully developed brain contains about 86 billion neurons. Comparing a human’s brain to a wale the human brain is nine times smaller than a wale brain, but it contains way more neurons. In fact human brains are so densely past together that they contain more neurons then any other

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