
Compare And Contrast The Function Of The Human Brain

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The purpose of this report is to describe the function and overall purpose of the brain, and compare it to current technologies that aim to replace or mimic it. The human brain is a complex organ that is still being heavily studied. Research has shown that many functions and components are still misunderstood by scientists, but the overall function is well documented.
The brain is located in the skull and is the center of communication for the human nervous system. Its purpose is to process all the information given to it by other organs and determine what actions should be taken. Many of these calculations are done autonomously with no conscious decision making. The brain also holds memories and can react instinctively to stimuli. Human brains differ from other animals due to their …show more content…

Neurons are electrically excitable cells that transport electrical and chemical signals throughout the brain. The 80-100 billion neurons form neural networks when connected together which allow signals to propagate along complex pathways. Glial cells are non-neuronal cells that maintain the brain through many different functions including: supplying nutrients, insulating neurons, and destroying pathogens.
The processes performed by the brain can be centralized to four main lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal. Reasoning, planning, speech, emotions, and problem solving are mainly performed in the frontal lobe. Movement, orientation, recognition, and perception are processed in the parietal lobe. Visual processing is associated with the occipital lobe. Perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech are performed by the temporal lobe.
Humans possess a conscious, which is a trait that is arguably unique in the animal kingdom. Currently, no concrete evidence has proven other animals have any sort of self-awareness. Consciousness allows for self-awareness and increased

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