
The Bluest Eye Racism Essay

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How The Bluest Eye Makes Commentary on Racism

“Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye is a novel about racism, yet there are relatively few instances of direct oppression. The Bluest Eye presents a more complicated portrait of racism. The characters are subject to an internalized set of values, which creates its own cycle of victimization. Morrison’s novel highlights how cultural ideals based on skin colour and physical features function as tools of racial oppression. For all races and for all individuals, it is critical to fully understand how society influences our values and beliefs. The focal character, Pecola, is victimized by a society that conditions her to believe that she is ugly and therefore worthless, because she doesn’t epitomize white …show more content…

Very early in the novel, Pecola shows excessive enthusiasm for Shirley Temple, which can be seen from her fascination with Frieda’s blue-and-white Shirley Temple mug and unstoppable milk-drinking from that mug — three quarts of milk a day. This can be interpreted as a part of her desire to internalize the values of white culture, a symbolic moment that foreshadows her desire to possess blue eyes. In yearning to be Shirley Temple, Pecola denies her own identity, “A little black girl yearns for the blue eyes of a little white girl, and the horror at the heart of her yearning is exceeded only by the evil of fulfilment” (Morrison, 1999, p.34). Pecola connects beauty with being loved and believes that if she possesses blue eyes, the cruelty in her life will be replaced by affection and respect. Surely, Pecola suffers most from white beauty standards and this hopeless desire leads ultimately to her madness.

To Pecola, blue eyes, blond hair and white skin equals beauty, which leads to happiness. It is difficult to fault a young girl for this misinterpretation. Certainly both white and black communities in her world seem to support the idea. In The Bluest Eye, Morrison presents the whole community as having taken the white criteria of beauty for their

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