
The Black White Achievement Gap

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African American students in an affluent, suburban district have not successfully closed the achievement gap. These students’ are generally lower performing that whites and Asians and sometimes lower than Hispanic and/or socio-economically disadvantaged. According to Sohn (2012) the phenomenon of the black white achievement gap has returned. Slaven and Madden (2006) assert “The gap in academic achievement between African American (as well as Latino) children and their White peers is arguably the most important of all educational problems in the U.S.” (p. 389). This leads to continued disparity in educational goals and mastery and ultimately adulthood successes. Importance of the Study The importance of decreasing this test score gap is essential because the No Child Left Behind legislation mandates that all students make annual progress toward reaching mastery in the core subjects of reading, math, science and social studies. Additionally in Texas, schools are rated based partially on the annual progress of subpopulations on campus. In the absence of a socio-economic disparity, more study needs to be done on ways that African-American students can become more successful at increasingly elevating their level of performance on state mandated tests. Explicit instruction is an important part of vocabulary acquisition. According to Harmon (1998) directly teaching vocabulary can assist with reading comprehension when students are taught to integrate new words with their

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