
The Benefits of a College Education in David Leonhardt's Even for Cashiers College Pays Off

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In the context “Even for Cashiers College Pays Off”, Leonhardt argues that going to college is not a waste of time, only that the college education needs improvement. College education requires money and so that’s the reason why some people consider it as a waste of time. However, college students get financial aid, and money is not a problem to them. In the context, Leonhardt explains how America got benefits from engaging a lot into college education before other countries. Leonhardt analyzes the importance of college education, where he asserts that the college graduates earn more salary than the non-college graduates do (Bauknight 22). Moreover, the college graduates have higher chances of being employed than the non-college graduates. Life in college is not as expensive as people say because the college students get financial aids that enhance fees payment. College education helps in enhancing skills and increasing salaries of workers. According to Leonhardt, college education is important because it instills knowledge and discipline among students, and ensures increased benefits in jobs that do not require degrees as a qualification. David explains that people who graduate with a bachelor degree earn more salary that the high school graduates. This is because; graduates have a high education level, allowing them to undertake high skilled jobs. High education level enables bachelors' graduates to get jobs in companies that pay high salaries. Graduates with degrees are

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