When someone thinks of wind power they most likely think of Holland. Wind energy has been used in Holland since the inception of the county. (Wind energy in Holland) Wind is super abundant on our planet. (About wind energy, why wind energy) Around 80 different countries use wind power to generate electricity commercially. (Energy facts) Though our scientists may claim that they are inventing something new by using wind as a source of generating energy, the truth is that wind is being used for centuries for this purpose. (wind power)
Wind power is being harnessed both on and off shore and Holland is a leader in the field. (wind energy in Holland) Wind has become a more noticeable contributor due to the concern about global climate change. (About wind energy / why wind energy) Wind energy is clean and renewable. (Energy facts) It is also the least-expensive energy source in many or even most regions now. (About wind energy / why wind energy) Most people think as years go by more and more of our electricity will be generated by wind power. Humans will also discover other ways to e wind power to their advantage. In 2010 wind produced 2.5% of the world’s electricity. This number is surely higher now.
Wind power is produced by using wind generators to harness the Kinetic energy of wind. (wind power) Large groups of wind turbines are called wind farms. (Energy facts) Modern wind turbines have three blade can reach speeds at the top of over 320 kph (200 mph)
Wind energy is not a new technology. People have been harnessing the power of wind for thousands of years all over the world. Ancient Egyptians used wind-powered ships to sail the Nile River and Ancient Persians used an early form of the wind will to grind grain. Nineteenth-century Europeans developed this technology further and wind-powered water pumps were common. Before steam power, the Dutch were
According to research done by Discovery News, in January 25, 2013, the top 10 countries, by order of most demand and use of wind energy, are: China, United States, Germany, Spain, India, Italy, France, Canada, Brazil, and Denmark. All of these countries are investing money in wind turbine projects because, in the long run, it is going to benefit them from both the economic and ecofriendly point of view (Discovery News). In addition to these top ten countries in the world, there are more countries that have, or are, investing in these types of projects, since this is the future and correct path for the use Renewable Energy as a replacement for fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are harming the environment to the point where in a short amount of time it is going to be almost impossible to live on Earth because of the catastrophic changes the pollution will cause. (Environmental and Energy Study Institute). The controversies caused in
One of the fastest growing energy sources in the world, wind power is a globally advantageous renewable resource.
easy to use energy for humanity. Wind power is from the turn of a turbine in the wind that
For many, the mention of wind energy conjures images of giant white turbines, their blades slowly rotating, stretching off into the distance with no end in sight. This is how it has been portrayed in pictures, but this is not how wind energy truly looks. Photographs in books and magazines imply that wind energy would require these never ending fields. On the contrary, smaller fields where a limited amount of turbines create all the power needed and more for a city that is nearby, or smaller individual turbines creating enough energy for a home or neighborhood without being obtrusive, is how wind energy truly looks. Wind energy harnesses the power of the wind and converts it to other forms of energy, one of the main known forms being electricity.
One of the fastest growing forms of energy in the United States is wind energy. How does wind energy work? Bergey Windpower describes it like this, the wind turbine, which is installed on top of a tall tower, collects wind energy and converts it into electricity. The turbine output is then made electrically compatible with the utility and the output is fed into the household wiring at the breaker panel (Bergey). In 2013, the United States used more energy than any year before but we used it more efficiently than before as well (Danko). 12 states are responsible for most of the wind energy used in the US last year, with Texas topping that list using using a total 36 million megawatt hours, MWh (GENI). There are some bad things that go along with wind energy though, for instance in order to get the metal that we need to make these massive wind turbines we have some serious consequences. A few repercussions from that is that we destroy vegetation, produce a lot of CO2, and we also kill birds that fly into them. Wind energy is also very expensive to start up and may not be worth it in the long run of things.
“A wind turbine is a machine for converting the kinetic energy in wind into mechanical energy”. (1) The inventor of the first electric wind turbine was Clevelander Charles Brush, who ran his entire Euclid Avenue mansion off of one for 20 years, which later made the cover of Scientific American in 1888. (2) Although the use of alternate energy didn't rise a great deal afterward, this event did open the eyes for many environmentalists. Wind power is only one of our several “energy source[s] whose ‘fuel’ is free and will never be exhausted” (3) with the pros and cons not completely weighed out as to whether it will be truly beneficial or not. The two main issues regarding wind turbines are the environmental effects that they have and the
We are facing an energy crisis on Earth. Burning fossil fuels are harming the atmosphere; this global warming and affects produces chemicals that hurt our body. People are starting to think about using alternative energy. Wind power would be our first choice, because it’s clean, inexhaustible and renewable. Today, wind power is mainly used in Europe. We believed wind power would be the main source of alternative energy for world use.
Wind Energy is a viable industry that has become a valuable energy source. The energy generated from wind is clean and efficient. The wind energy industry helps to ensure that electric demands are met, wildlife impact is minimal, the environment is not devastated, as well as creates new jobs during the construction of wind farms, daily operations, manufacturing components, and exporting components to foreign countries.
It is a clean, practical alternative that would satisfy the world economy's growing energy demand." Today there are 212 nuclear power plants in the world and the number is expected to rise to 250 in the next five years. Nuclear power already provides 75% of power in France and 20% here in the United States (McQuinn). Like nuclear energy, wind energy is also becoming more popular and efficient. Large wind turbines powered completely by wind gusts generate up to 233 megawatts of power every minute (Roberts 12). Homeowners and farmers can now own their own wind turbines and have their unused energy purchased by energy companies. Wind energy is very popular in Germany especially where at least 33% of the countries energy comes completely from wind turbines (Roberts 13).
Wind is a clean, powerful renewable energy source which can be used to convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy. Wind power uses large wind turbines rotated by air flow in turn rotates power generators to generate electricity. Many individual wind turbines can be connected to an electrical grid to transmit the power. Wind is an inexhaustible energy resource and environmental friendly compared to fossil fuel which has disastrous effects and finite [2].
Wind power is a clean and renewable energy that, while at times unreliable, has very low upkeep cost and is growing at a rapid rate. While there is currently enough wind power to provide many times our current energy need, it is unfeasible in reality. Wind power utilizes the kinetic energy of air and uses it to power a generator to produce electricity. Even though dependence on wind power is impossible, it still can provide a strong, clean, quantity of power to supplement current energy production.
Establishing wind power as a major source of electricity can be costly and can have many disadvantages; however, there are many important advantages that can come from wind power as well.
Wind is formed from the heating and cooling of the atmosphere, which causes air and air layers to rise, fall and move over each other. This movement results in wind currents. The kinetic energy of wind can be transformed into electrical energy through the use of wind turbines.
Wind energy is also a popular alternative energy source that have been used for centuries. It was used to power ship and made it possible for explorers to sail long distant lands. Wind energy that can be used to power things are created with windmills, “a single windmill can power crop irrigation, and the family energy needs, water pumping and electric lights” according to Rinkesh