
The Backbone Of A Recreational Sport And Organization

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Chapter Overview
The backbone of a recreational sport and organization are the volunteers committed to the success and continuation of the organization. The most important group of individuals within a youth sports organization is volunteer coaches (Bouchet and Lehe, pg. 21, 2010). The diversity of a community organization requires many unique needs to be addressed and serviced. The greater the diversity of a group, the more likely different individuals with varied backgrounds are required. The influence of volunteers allows youth teams and leagues to fill their needs (Bouchet and Lehe, 2010). Volunteer recreational sports organizations are then charged with identifying and convincing a …show more content…

Regardless the reason for their involvement, the general disposition of these coaches presents an opportunity for education and increasing efficacy. Volunteer coaches were sought to have an intentional disposition to learning for reasons such as inquisitiveness, self-efficacy, and open mindedness (Griffiths and Armour, 2013). Additionally, the disposition of reciprocity for volunteer coaches to gain knowledge included reasons of cooperation and mutual exchange of information (Griffiths and Armour, 2013). The review of literature intends to display the research surrounding volunteer recreational youth sport coaches, the motivators for participation, and the educational opportunities for this population.
Terms and Definitions A key to defining this group and their responsibilities is to explain their status. The term volunteer is defined as, “persons who did unpaid work (except for expenses) through or for an organization” (USDL, 2015). The nature of a professional, or someone who is paid for their work, demonstrates an implicit motivator in the payment. The duties and responsibilities that are performed by the person whether the duties are assigned or created by the person also have a general connotation. The collection of activities these individuals perform is known in the literature as “volunteering” (Stebbins, 2009, Wilson,

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