
The At The Stones River Battlefield

Decent Essays

On April 19th I recently decided to go to the Stones River Battlefield. In the beginning I honestly was very interested in going to somewhere I had been to before, but then I realized that I could use some new information in my life. I have recently be to the Parthenon in Nashville, and I like it there also, but I am glad that I got the chance to go to the battlefield. However, when it comes to history a part of me find it very hard to retain the information I have learned, and the other half of me see it kind of boring. The more and more I visit places to see and do hands on things for myself, the more it helps me understand what I have learned. With this being said, I am very glad to have attended the battlefield.
Amongst my visit, I was a little confused on what I was doing, but I decided to get out of the car and proceed walking to the building. When I entered the building there was a tall guy who greeted me, he wore an outfit similar to a boys scout leader. He then asked me if it was my first time attending and I said yes. There was a couple coming through the door, so he greeted them both and then told us a little about the exhibit. He then instructed us on how to see all of the exhibit and gave us a map/brochure. I then walked away and started to look around on my own. At first what caught my attention is the models and some of the things written on the walls. I then noticed that even though I was reading it, I was not retaining the information, so then I started to

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