
The Army's Infantry Board, A Standard Setting Institute

Decent Essays

Case Study 3 - The M16 Rifle

The Army's Infantry Board, a Standard Setting Institution, was looking for a high-velocity, small-caliber semi- or fully automatic weapon for its soldiers. The M-16 was developed by the Armalite Corporation, and its model was designed quite differently than other weapons of this kind. The M-16 was stamped, pressed, and forged. Plastic was used as the rifle's stock. The rifle relied on gas to propel the shells out of the barrel, and the gas was fed through a tube into the bolt carrier.
The Infantry Board thought the M-16 rifle was a perfect rifle, as it was shorter and lighter than all the other designs. However, another Standard Setting Institution within the Army, the Ordinance Board, did not agree. They viewed the M-16 as inaccurate, lacking range, and having reduced stopping power. They also had serious concerns about the shell, since any objects crossing its path, including leaves and twigs, diverted the bullet’s path. Ultimately, the Army decided not to use the M-16 for its soldiers. …show more content…

However, the Army waited another five years before they would accept it. This was due to early use of the M-16 in field and combat conditions which proved the rifle to be full of flaws. In the meantime, the M-14 was used. However, the manufacturer (new owner Colt Industries) assured the Army that if the M-16 is kept clean and fired only with single clips (not two magazines taped together like soldiers sometimes did), it would be a very effective weapon and that there would not be any mechanical

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