The apostle who personified the word love. Who other than John can be ascribed to this title? He alone was reserved the designation as the bosom-friend of Jesus, in many ways had become the best reflection so far as any human being can reflect the ideal of divine-human purity and holiness. John 's brilliance resides in his ability to penetrate foundational towers that undergird the events of Jesus ' life. Unlike Peter and Paul, he wasn 't a missionary or a man of action. “He did little, so far as we know, for the outward spread of Christianity, but all the more for the inner life and growth of Christianity where it was already established.”1There was nothing to be said about the government, the forms, and the rites of the visible church, …show more content…
“In regards to Salome, she was a disciple of Jesus, and her following Him suggests that after the boys left home, Zebedee died and that the business was sold, allowing Salome to be one of the women who ministered to Jesus of her substance (in other words John came and was immersed in a spiritual home).”3 Another postulation that can be held of John as a boy was that he never really knew what poverty was like till he shared in it with Jesus. Before he came to the decision to follow Christ he was being prepared, in the eyes of Jewish scholars he was like Peter and the other Galilean disciples, an "unlearned and ignorant man." “But he passed through the preparatory school of John the Baptist who summed up his prophetic mission in the testimony to Jesus as the "Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world," a testimony which he afterward expanded in his own writings.”4 Between the writings of the synoptic and the Johannean picture of John, there is an apparent contradiction found; but on closer inspection, it is only the twofold aspect of one and the same character. A parallel example can be seen Peter of the Gospels and the Peter of his Epistles: the first youthful, impulsive, hasty, changeable, the other matured, subdued, mellowed, refined by divine grace. One of growth, early on in the Gospel of Mark the term
Diana Lee, I think that a majority of significant issues that many people tend to run into is poor leadership skills and abilities. Moreover, a lack of respect for one another and sometimes lack of respect for ourselves. Although, the lack of communication has become problematic in itself. The essentials to having a good healthy company have to have an abundant of leadership skills and abilities. Once the leader fails, the followers will gradually have failure as well. Similar to the same "when the blind leadeth the blind all will fall into the dark hole." Without having trust and honesty what does a group of people have? The group has a massive pile of poop and failure. Repetition is how we learn and sometimes repeating what has become said
John presents a very different Jesus compared to the synoptic gospels. It is clear that for John Jesus has many complex elements to his personality and without all of these the picture is not complete. The above quote by Käsemann suggests that in the gospel of John Jesus’ divinity is definite and his presence is felt on the entire world through his words and actions. This allows for the human Jesus but implies the divine Jesus is imperative.
The Excerpts for John is a collection of commemorative drawings, painting as well as video recording that highlights the last journey of his childhood friend, now deceased, John. In his work, Valdez has utilized a number of key literature styles in which he fuses the urgency of his intended message with a metaphorical style to bring out several issues in reality that affect the society. The use of metaphor in the artwork addresses some of the current events, historical, political as well as social issues that characterised both local and international events of his time. As an artist, Valdez places all his skills in commemorating his best friend since their childhood days, as he places him at the centre of his storyline.
There are two kids named John Conlan and Lorraine Jensen and attended high school at Franklin High School.John had met Lorraine on the school bus on their way to school. Both of the kids were good kids except John had a bomb avocation but then he started organizing fruit rolls . Both of the kids were a little Ingrate if they did not get what they wanted. John had friends like Dennis and Norton that should be mortified of their behavior. When those three friends are around they all act infantile towards each other. John and Lorraine got to know each other very well and they started to hang out. They were taking a walk one day and the turned on Howard Avenue where there were nice houses except one-ninety. Ninety-one Howard Avenue was a dump,
Anthony the Great makes some thought provoking insights in his interpretation of 1 John 4. even though we can do what we want to others, influence their decisions with lavish presents or hurt them, we cannot do anything to God, influence Him with physical gifts, or hurt God. Nevertheless, there are some, who when becoming a Christian, expected to love others naturally. However, when they could not, they judged themselves as failed
There are many outside factors that can affect human resources in a company. The state of the economy is a factor that companies can barely control. When it happens, they have to adapt and make sudden changes to the company’s budget, which means letting go of some employees. When making that sudden decision, many lives could be affected. In this case, it was John Smith the father of newborns who suffered that unfortunate fate. He was not the best of workers. His employment now traces back to the company that laid him off because he put his former supervisor Sarah as a reference. Now Sarah is faced with the arduous task of making a decision that might alter John’s future and her own ethical reputation.
The similarities of 2 Peter and Jude might appear to be a strenuous task to some who have never been engaged in reading the two writings. My essay will attempt to show the similarities that are in these two writings which seem to have been scribed at the same time or around the same time. Most similarities, of which are namely: the dates of the scribing of the two Epistles, the false doctrines of the false teachers that had come into the church, the same thoughts and expressions of their work, whether the writings are apostolic or not, and what hardships the churches or the two audiences were facing.
John is a very quiet, and shy person. He would probably be described as an awkward character. He doesn’t have a lot of friends. John is just a kid in high school, who gets abused by his stepfather, and is trying to really hard to get by in life. John talks to others mostly, “inside of his head.” In most of the book, he is always in his thoughts. When he talks to his algebra teacher, he refers to her as “Mrs. Moonface,” describing her appearance. “You Don’t know me and you will never”. John is alone and has not very much or even a lot of friends. He talks to himself and starts about his thoughts in his head as if anybody else would.
"It appears, that of all the apostle John was especially favoured with our Lord's regard and confidence, so as to be called the
In the New Testament, Almost everyone knows that “ God so loved the world” (John 3:16) and “God is love” (John 4:8), and when love appears nobody can express it better than Jesus. We mainly hear about love in the beginning of the first Corinthians ( 1 CO 13) at wedding ceremonies. As new translation were coming out over the years, the version NIV used love as sex acts in Genesis to express the word rather than KJV and ESV used love as knowing the feeling and NASB used love as strong relations. In the 1 corinthians, Paul created a message saying,” the love of god, the love of jesus christ, and the love that the christian expresses in response to God’s saving action in Jesus Christ (samuel E Balentine). As I was looking into the new testament, the chapter called First John stood out to me because majority of the words are love or something describing love.
The Book of 1 John is a very important book because even thought it was written during the 90 A.D and the authorship of this book has not been discover. It has some meaningful information for the people during that time and is even relevant to the believers and unbeliever of today. The Book of 1 John has many themes displayed throughout this book even though it only has five chapters in the entire book. One of the major themes displayed in this book is love. 1 John 2:7-17 scriptures let us know that God’s greatest command and greatest gift to people is Love. He lets the people of this time that this is not a new commandment because it was required in the Old Testament and it remains in the New Testament. As a believer we must love everyone just as God love us. Another example of love being displayed in 1 John is 3:11-24 when God provided us with a clear example of his love by providing a bad example and a positive example of how love should be. From this example Blomberg mentioned that “We should expect the world to hate us as they hated Christ, but we should lay down our lives for one another if necessary. The next most powerful demonstration of the genuineness of our love comes when we share from the surplus of our material possessions to help those in need (Blomberg. 2006)”. Then lastly, 1 John 4:7-21 talks about love again, that when you love it should be divine and genuine. That love should be displayed in an emotion way but we should also show love to God by obeying
“The gospel gives away more to as who Jesus was as person and telling of his teachings in the ministry. John takes us behind Jesus’s ministry, where we get a glimpse of what it means to believe in Jesus as flesh of the eternal and living God, as the source of light and life, and for a believer to be a ‘Son of God.” (Sparknotes
The author of 1 John was concerned about the conditions within the group, which related to false teachings of some Christians. Specifically, the physical humanity of Jesus, his Incarnation “in the flesh”, and the necessity of showing love for fellow believers (Harris, 2014, p.437). The book of 1 John may have been a response to protoGnostics, secessionists who were predecessors of the Gnosticism that challenged other forms of Christianity from the second through the fifth centuries CE (Harris, 2014, p.437). Specifically, Gnosticism concentrated on a two-fold view of the cosmos, which represented the belief that only the spirit was pure and good and that the physical world, the creation of a subordinate god, was permanently dishonest.
Throughout the ages, many have tried to comprehend the human experience of love and its ineffable and mysterious force that leads us to complete euphoria or utter despair, with songs, paintings, and stories. In Plato’s Symposium, six guest including Socrates, tackle and attempt to define love amongst each other. With each attempt, and our study of Johns gospel, the intertextuality between the symposium and John 15:8-17 helps one better understand the portrait that John portrays of Jesus as the ultimate lover and only way to being fully complete.
The ability to relax, gazing with an eagle-eye Him illuminating the essence of His pure and undefiled love upon my tongue to expound wisdom, knowledge and understanding.