
The And Purpose Of The Self Efficacy Theory

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Originators and Purpose
The Self-Efficacy theory was created in the 1970s by Albert Bandura. Behavior theories created earlier in time were based on psychological components and had 3 characteristics. The characteristics stated that behavior is psychically regulated by the sub-conscience, a behavior that is different from normal is a symptom of a disease or disorder, and a behavior is able to change with the help of a therapist. With more research, it was later decided that behavior results from a connection between personal, behavioral and environmental factors and that a behavior that is different than normal does not mean it is a symptom of a disease or disorder. Both the earlier and later theories worked, so Albert Bandura found the common thread between the two approaches and came up with the Self-Efficacy theory. This theory was created as a common ground between the early and later theories. It states that people will only do things that they believe they can achieve. If they do not think its achievable, they will not try it. This gives a reason as to why some people do not attempt certain tasks, while others do. Increasing one’s self-efficacy can help them be more productive and attempt more challenging things and when this is applied to health behavior, it can increase their health.
Overview of Core Constructs
There are four basic constructs included in the Self-Efficacy theory. These are mastery experience, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and somatic and

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