
The Amish Religion

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The Amish was a group of traditional Christian Church fellowships. They were known as the simple living, plain drees and unwilling to embrace the convenience of the modern technology. They started a small group of reform minded Mennonites in the Switzerland when they separated from the main movement. Based on the article, The Amish was lived in Rhine River. Jacob founded the Amish Movement in the year 1644. Jacob felt that the Mennonites had driven away their original beliefs and practices. That the Mennonites does not have any disciplines. He wanted them to return to a stricter observance of the writings of Simons and on the 1632 Mennonite Dordrecht Confession. The started to do the communion twice a year instead of once in a year. The Believers …show more content…

They try to avoid many of the features of modern society, by developing practices and behaviors which isolate themselves from American culture. The Amish people avoid the modern technologies, these includes, the home telephones, they used propane in cooking instead of gas. They believe that electricity has endanger for leading people to God. The Amish do not dislike technology, and are not opposed to its use in exceptional cases. When it comes to using modern health care, the Amish embrace a similar set of beliefs. They don’t want problem they make there on …show more content…

The Amish life in core Medicine beliefs often differ between the individual members of a single community. They are less likely to seek modern medical treatment. Amish used the Homeopathic remedies as a first line of defense for the treatment. Such, herbs, minerals, or animal products. They do not believer in health insurance, because their fear that it would lessen their dependence on the community in terms of struggle. They depend on the community funds when someone is sick. The community will set a fund to support the medical needs. They believed that the God is the ultimate healer. They are more likely to suffer through the minor ailment, because of their believe ion medicine. They find their relive and comfort in God’s divine when they encountered pain. The extreme trust they have in God made them not to seek the medical intervention during the illness. They don’t have the concern for the Obama health care. The debate over the U.S healthcare reform that has effect the nation, led the government to shut down the concern in rural Pennsylvania’s Amish country (Kelly). The Amish exemption of the Obamacare dates back nearly sixties when Congress extended the Social Security tax to the self-employed and to farmers. Many Amish refused to pay. The Internal Revenue Service moved to enforce the law, which brought the public

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