
The American Dream: Being Independent Or Having A Family

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What is The American Dream? The true definition of the American Dream is, the ideal that every United States citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. Many people have different ideas of what The American Dream is to them. The question is, what is better; being independent or having a family? Now there could be many arguments about this. But to us, we believe having a family is better because you have more motivation to do things. As in, if you were individual, you would really only have yourself to motivate you.
Colonel Sanders we would say found his American dream. At the age of 5 years old his father died and he didn’t know how to deal with it. And by the …show more content…

We think that having family would benefit you in many ways like having someone to lean on and be there for you. The reason is because you have people who love you that will build you and pick you back up when you are down; and to congratulate you at your best! You will have someone to come home to after a long day or even just tell them how good your day was. You also would not feel alone because you have a husband/wife and kids and that would make life adventurous and fulfilling. By being married it would be double the bill, double the living room/cost, and double the everyday living needs, but you guys could afford it because you would have double the income. But many people think that American women often end up being a stay at home mom because the cost of child care. Many women are just as capable as men are going and work just hard to achieve their goals. But not all women are willing to do the dirty work so that results in a significant other. Many stay at home women have jobs and make money before they can be able to be a stay at home mom. Why would you want to be independent? You would not have as many distractions or tolls of having a family or a significant other so all your focus is about chasing your dream, they could afford it on their own and support them self. You also wouldn't have to depend on others to pull thru on something that you needed help

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