
The Advertisement For Dolce And Gabbana

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Less Than a Man
There are a different number of methods in which a precise conceptual message can be distributed. Often, a more over the top and overbearing approach is utilized to grab an audience’s attention and sell a product. While some people perform such pretentious messages with little tact, there are people out there who are intelligent and creative enough to present a rich message in an overstated manner that will shock people into challenging the certainty of the message and ultimately bringing attention and business to the company advertising. The overwhelming photograph advertisement for Dolce and Gabbana portrays extreme male dominance as well as objectifying women as a whole. It promotes women accepting this role as if it is a gender normality in today’s society. Sexualization is a huge controversy in the advertising industry. Sexualization explains how ads portray women being dominated by men in the images with violent and abusive connotations. Most of humanity is completely blind to the sexism that occurs daily in the world around them. Sexism is a large issue for today’s society. Being seen in a workplace, at home, in schools, and especially in the media, the Dolce and Gabbana advertisement proves to be an image explaining typical gender roles in culture today.
The advertisement was first published in the fashion magazines in 2007 for the spring and summer issues by Dolce & Gabbana. The image shows a beautiful woman dressed in black lingerie wearing

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