
Texas Independence Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Before the time of Texas declaring independence, the Texans had a very difficult time living within the brutal hands of the Mexicans. With the Mexican government making laws that go completely against Texas’ desires and practiaclly strpping away all of what the people of Texas know, a spark was created for independence. Without independence for Texas, there would be barely any way to make money since slavery was illegal, the Texans would continue to be miserable with the aggressive laws, and the craving to always want to officially be considered an American would only grow. Even when the Texans attempted to fix these complications, the Mexico government only grew worse and more crucial towards the once loyal individuals of Texas. Eventually, …show more content…

For the longest time of when Texas was not free, slavery was prohibited in Mexico. This greatly upset the Texans due to the immense passion of wanting the territory to be slave driven. A man named Benjamin Lundy who organized abolitionist societies in the antislavery movement wrote this: “The immediate cause and main goal of this war - led by the slaveholders of this country - has been to grab the large and valuable territory of Texas from the Mexican Republic, in order to establish the system of slavery; to open a vast and profitable slave market; and, ultimately, to annex it to the United States.” (Document D). In this quote, Lundy declares the fact that Texas has ulterior motives than just wanting independence; instead, the now free state was hoping to continue slavery in America. Also, Lundy claimed that a slave market was even in favor. Texans made a lot of money off of slaves, which then allows for the concept of being annexed to America make sense. America already had the catastrophe of slavery occuring, which only makes Texas have a greater opportunity for making money. Texas is in the south, which is a target area for farmwork. Texans were …show more content…

The Texans were beyond displeased with the laws of Mexico and the government led by Santa Anna. Also, the people felt the rules were extremely unfair and harsh. However, by purposely not sticking to the laws meant that the Texans were closer to erupting a war which is exactly what Texas wanted. A Tejano, which is a Mexican living in Texas, wrote, “We cannot trust the Anglo-American colonists because they are continually demonstrating that they refuse to follow our laws, unless it is convenient for them.” (Document B). It is evident through this quote and past events that Texas would do anything to try give Mexico a hint that the Texans do not want any role in being involved with Mexico. By not obeying the Mexicans and the government, it makes Texas appeal to be more distant rather than conjoined. Furthermore, America has the same viewpoint on Texas’ craving for departure. Similar to Texas, the United States understood why the Texans decided to not follow the strict laws of Mexico. In fact, in the Texas Declaration of Independence, the United States government writes, “When a government has ceased to protect the lives, liberty and property of the people… it is the right of the people to abolish such government, and create another one that will secure their future welfare and happiness.” (Document A). By this statement, America took side and even said that

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