I have heard stories from another Clostridium tetani about our host getting rid of bacteria like me but I just thought that they were myths told to scare all of the other nonmature Clostridium tetani. I have noticed that the cells that are still alive around me have started to reproduce more and more, which making me think that my neurotoxin is no longer working. Now I am really scared this is how the stories always started out, first you would encounter a tetanus antitoxin. The tetanus antitoxin would neutralize my neurotoxin, which means that I can only affect those motor nerve cells that have already been affected. This antitoxin neutralizes any and all of my neurotoxin tetanospasmin but it does not affect the cells that I have already conquered.
Three young men are about to undergo a rite of maturity that will take them from innocence to experience and from the last vestiges of childhood into the opening round of maturity. The unnamed narrator and his friends Jeff and Digby are what would today be referred to as poseurs although what they are really are merely young men struggling to find their identity in an increasingly confusing world. Even so, it is the misplaced identification with gritty urban heroes of books and screen by these ordinary suburban boys that situates them into a place where Greasy Lake becomes the baptismal. Trouble begins with the trio makes a far more miscalculated misidentification: that of thinking that a car parked up at Greasy Lake belongs to their friend Tony Lovett. As boys—not to mention some more mature and
Poison Control Pharmacist : Pharmacists who work at Poison Control Centers (PCC) receive calls from medical professionals and patients about drugs and toxicity. Some calls may be from a concerned parent of a child who ingested several gummy vitamins, while other calls may be from a physician asking about the use of expired medications in an emergency situation. Regardless of the nature of the call, a pharmacist must use their clinical knowledge to provide the best answer and recommend appropriate treatment options if necessary . Most Poison Control Centers are open 24 hours so rotating shifts may be necessary if you want to be a pharmacist at a Poison Control Center. The salary is usually competitive with hospital pharmacists . There are
After the past tragedies that have hit the Mountaineer community this fall; I consumed myself in wondering what could’ve been done to change the outcome. What if your best friend read the directions wrong and took something s/he shouldn’t have, wouldn’t you want to know how to save them? “Nearly 40 percent of college students engage in binge drinking,” heavy drinking such as this is directly related with injury, health problems, and a decline in academic performance (Random Control). This is so relevant in colleges that most resident assistance are expected to serve as first-aid providers, but the reality is no program exists for them to take (resident assistant training). If the resident assistance don’t have a class that they have to
Tetanus is an infection of the nervous system caused by the neurotoxin tetanospasmin (TeNT) produced by the bacteria Clostridium tetani. This bacteria is naturally found in soil, dust, and manure. In the United States, tetanus infects 40-60 people per year, with one-third ending with fatalities. Tetanus toxin causes spastic paralysis in the jaw, neck, and abdomen causing difficulty of speech, swallowing, breathing, and may cause severe muscle spasms and seizures. Tetanus toxin has the potent DTaP vaccine, but the vaccine degrades over time causing re-susceptibility to the disease if not boosted every 9-10 years. The structural organization of tetanospasmin is the same as botulinum toxin (BoNT). Botulinum toxin is produced by the bacteria Clostridium
Sodium channels facilitate action potentials which cause contraction through electrical impulses. The newt TTX toxin closes these action potentials to prevent contraction and subsequently prevent movement. Therefore, resistance would involve a change in how the toxin interacts with the sodium channels. What was found was a molecular change in the amino acid building blocks of membrane proteins in the sodium channels created resistance to the binding of TTX. Resistant snakes held one to four amino acid substitutions which induced a specific protein change that allowed for TTX resistance.
Toxin B and Toxin A belong to the same family of large clostridial glycosylating toxins that are responsibility for inflammatory responses. TcdB is primarily known as the cytotoxin and is the most common encoded toxin.The difference in TcdB and TcdA could stem for the differences in where each toxin receptor tropism (3). In four different studies using hamster and mouse intestines, TcdB is capable of producing phenotypes of disease in complete absence of TcdA (1). TcdB has two protein receptors that are able to bind outside of the CROPS domain. These proteins include poliovirus receptor like protein 3 and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 that are found on colon epithelial cells of humans. Both receptors could be responsible for the initial
According to Powerpoint on Select Agents and Toxins in Module 2, a select agent is a biological agent that has the potential to pose a severe threat to animal health and safety, plant health and safety, or to the safety of animal or plant products. Biosecurity is a set of procedures intended to protect humans or animals against disease or harmful biological agents, according to Module 1, Biosecurity and the Importance of Invasive Species. According to the CDC video, "History of Bioterrorism" in Module 2, bioterrorism is the use of weapons of viruses, bacteria, and other germs for an attack. Ricin is a poison found naturally in beans (Select Agents and Toxins Module 2 Powerpoint). It prevents cells from making protein. If inhaled, it can cause
Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are the most toxic bacterial toxins known and are produced by the anaerobic spore forming bacteria Clostridium botulinum, C. butyricum, or C. baratii [1]. When contaminated food is ingested the toxin induces botulism, a disease characterized by descending flaccid paralysis that can lead to death by respiratory failure when untreated [2]. Due to BoNTs high toxicity (intraperitoneal LD50: 1 ng/kg [3]) it is regarded as a potential bioweapon [4], but it has also broad medical and cosmetic applications due to its highly specific inhibition of neurotransmitter release in the neuromuscular junction [5-7]. Both its potency and specificity can be attributed to an elaborate and elegant mode of action, mediated by the different domains of the 150 kDa molecule [8]. First, the 50 kDa C-terminal domain of the 100 kDa heavy chain (HC) mediates high affinity binding to specific receptors on the presynaptic membrane. Next, BoNT is taken up into recycling synaptic vesicles whereupon acidification the 50 kDa N-terminal domain (HN) forms a pore through which the 50 kDa light chain (LC) is released in the cytoplasm. Finally, LC-mediated substrate cleavage of different members of the SNARE-protein complex inhibits fusion of neurotransmitter-filled vesicles at cholinergic synapses hereby inhibiting cargo release and transmission of the stimulus to the attached muscle [9].
Ceftriaxone is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial used to treat bacterial infections varying from pelvic inflammatory disease to urinary tract infections and lung infections among many others (https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a685032.html). It was used as such to treat supposed infection related to the catfish puncture. The tetanus toxoid was administered for the purpose of preventing further infection by the bacteria Clostridium tentani, which was suspected because of the puncture wound and is an appropriate action according to the National Institute of Health (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1562661). Both of these applications were ineffective because they do
In 2015, the Drug Enforcement Administration ended up identifying the drug "Fentanyl" as a top player, a leading cause of injury death, in our good ol' United States. It was part of a new spark in prescription drug abuse after a brief plateu somewhere between 2011 and 2013. But what is fentanyl? It is a common prescription drug that is 30+ times more effective than heroin, and 100 times more effective than morphine, used for pain control. Unfortunately, it is high on the list for both psychological and physical addiction.
This document will answer many questions about Botulism Toxin. Some of the questions addressed will include; What exactly is botulism? What is the germ Clostridium botulinum? How frequent does botulism occur? What are the symptoms of botulism? How do we diagnose botulism? How do we treat botulism? What are complications from botulism? How does one prevent botulism? What are public health agencies doing to prevent and control botulism? I will also discuss other uses of Botulinum Toxin in the medical field as well as in the cosmetic field.
Clostridium Tetani is an anaerobic bacteria from the species Clostridium. Clostridium Tetani is found in soil or in animals and can result in Tetanus, a rare but painful muscular disease that can lead to respiratory failure and death. The toxin causes tetanus when introduced into damaged or dead tissue. Approximately 50-75% of patients with generalized tetanus have lockjaw, the inability to open the mouth. As the disease progresses, patients have generalized muscle rigidity with spasms in response to stimuli such as touch or noise while suffering with severe pain. The spasms can cause fractures, tendon ruptures, and respiratory failure. Clostridium Tetani averages between 3-7 micrometers in length, while in this lab it was estimated about ___micrometers
Toxic Shock Syndrome is a rare, potentially life-threatening, syndrome that was initially discovered and diagnosed in the 1970s. “It is characterized by high fever, rash, hypotension, multi organ failure (involving at least 3 or more organ systems), and desquamation of the skin, typically of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, 1-2 weeks after the onset of acute illness. The clinical syndrome can also include severe myalgia, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and nonfocal neurologic abnormalities. (Venkataraman, 2014) ” Toxic Shock syndrome can also lead to surgical debridement and amputation (Willey, 2014).” At time of discovery, toxic shock syndrome was more prevalent amongst women, particularly those who used tampons or intrauterine
The target of my invention was to regulate my diet and increase my exercise. The behavior I was trying to change is to stop being inactive and instead being more active and eating healthier. The outcome I was expecting from this intervention is to decrease in weight and increase in energy and become more active. For diet, the target of my invention was to decrease the amount of carbohydrates (e.g. bread, pasta, rice) I consume and increase my consumption of healthy fat and protein such as fish, meat, eggs, peanuts etc. I also wanted to increase the amount of vegetables I consumed such as salad, broccoli, tomatoes, etc. For exercise, the target of my interventions was to increase the amount of exercise I do per day (with the exception of Sundays) with at least 20 minutes of walking. My main goal overall is to increase my energy, lose weight, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The benefits this will make to my lifestyle is it will help me have more willpower and reduce the chances of me obtaining severe illness in the future.
Tetanus causes painful muscle spasms convulsions. The bacterium which causes it is found in the soil and animal waste. It enters the bloodstream through a cut in the skin. Hence, you should contact your doctor in case you have a dirty wound. But if the disease occurs during pregnancy, it can cause death.