
Testing And The Testing Industry

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State standards along with the weight of demands of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) have left testing companies with limited Psychometricians and high demands deadlines on testing and scoring tests. In my perspective, I do feel that testing companies are in immense pressure to search for test experts who prefer to work elsewhere. What really conquered my thinking were the costs to create a test. Toch (2006) states “As a result, it costs anywhere from $ 300 to $1000 to develop a simple multiple –choice question, the least expensive type of test item.” (p.8-9). I was astonished at the costs and did not know that such expense in making tests existed. I do appreciate how the tests are created in a meticulous way. First these tests have to align to state standards and even though the NCLB has challenged the testing industry, but overall it has to keep up with student current learning. At least the NCLB helps students progress in their educational learning because it is based on state standards. Toch (2006) states “NCLB’s test-based accountability system has given local educators powerful incentives to help students whom public education has long neglected.”(p.5) this means that minorities were given their fair share of quality education they haven’t received before. At least teachers are now faced with consequences with how they teach rated by student performance on standardized tests. According to Toch (2006) “The law’s requirement that states align their tests to challenging state

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