
The Role Of Global Trade In The Sixteenth Century

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Until the sixteenth century, the world used four main substances for commodity. These substances were; gold, silver, copper, and various shells. Out of all these substances it would be silver, that was used as a commodity and a type of currency. This allowed a all-encompassing network of global trade in the sixteenth century to be created. The need for silver grew from the sixteenth century until about 1750. China’s demand for silver served as an engine for world trade. The Japanese Tokugawa Shogunate and Spanish empire earned a substantial portion of silver profits from several of the mines they controlled.
States and individuals profited off of commodities around the world. This furthered profit across the globe making demands for commodities increase. Ships sailed to and from the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa; carrying precious cargo. At the end of the eighteenth century silver began to lose its luster. After 1571, there was a pause as human race pieced together that the era of silverseas found all of humanity in a single vassal. It is still a frequently discussed question to see whether it was a positive or negative outcome for silver to get as much attention drawn to it as it did. …show more content…

It was not an uncommon thing for groups of people that inhabited small areas to show another group of people something they thought of as valuable. If the counter group found an item interesting, they would exchange it for another item to appease their acquaintance. In a sense, worldwide trade came from this small gesture. Societies that were too small and the populations were not vast enough for boats to stop, often were not involved in the circle of global

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