Testicular Torsion is a genitourinary emergency that requires immediate surgical correction. This condition causes ischemic reperfusion which damages the testicular tissue and affects the quality of sperm [1]. It usually happens following rotation of testis around the axis of the spermatic cord, and is frequently observed in newborns, children and adolescents [2]. Long-time torsion results in necrosis of the germinal cells. This may lead to subfertility or infertility [3, 4]. Testicular tissue blood flow subsequent to the reperfusion exposes the tissue to the produced reactive oxygen radicals (ROS) [5, 6] and consequently an ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. The mechanism involved in testicular injury is not completely understood, however,
Axel and skeleton frame injuries are something that are very common in the world of sports. The National Football Ledge(NFL) has a foundation of physical impact and is very strenuous on the axel and skeletal frame. Thoracic disc herniations in the one of the most common injuries the NFL and it requires the greatest amount of time to recover which is 189 days. Thou the injury is very high in football nearly 15 percent of American suffer from Thoracic Disc Herniation. Degeneration the most common cause of Thoracic disc herniation “As a disc's annulus ages, it tends to crack and tear. These injuries are repaired with scar tissue. Over time the annulus weakens, and the nucleus may squeeze (herniate) through the damaged annulus. Spine degeneration
if his return to training date keeps getting put back, watching his team mates play in important games your missing out on
Third down and one, the quarterback takes the snap and rolls out to the left. Nobody is open. He steps up in the pocket and decides to run, planting his leg into the dirt, he tries to make a quick juke, but gets hit and blows his ACL. Because knee injuries plague millions of people each year, victims should learn about its preventions, types and treatments before it happens to them.
Grade 2 injuries result in symptoms of moderate to severe pain with severe difficulty in walking. The athlete is unlikely to be able to play on and will often limp heavily. Minor bruising and swelling may present immediately but can take several hours (up to 48) to develop. The ankle will feel very stiff but may also feel unstable resulting from a number of torn ligament fibers (this can be tested more accurately by a professional therapist). Recovery time for a moderate ankle sprain (grade 2) takes between 4 and 8 weeks.
The knee is an integral joint in terms of movement, but this joint absorbs much impact while it supports the weight of the body. Depending on the type of activities that you engage in, the level of impact absorbed by your knee may vary. The knee joint connects the kneecap (the patella) with the second bone in the lower part of the leg (the fibula). It also connects the shin bone (the tibia) with the thigh bone (the femur). Four ligaments serve to stabilize the joint; these ligaments are known as the Lateral Collateral Ligament, Medial Collateral Ligament, Posterior Cruciate Ligament, and the Anterior Cruciate Ligament.
Many people believe that concussions are just a head injury that causes headaches, but it’s more than that, so much more than that! In my recent research over Concussions, more importantly, concussions due to sports related occurrences, and the side effects.
This evidence based practice article explores the persistent concussive symptoms (symptoms lasting more than 90 days post-injury) in students from middle school, high school, and college that obtain many sport-related concussions. The studies by Harmon et al (2013) and Doolan, Day, Maerlender, Goforth & Brolinson (2012), found that just in the United states alone, there are over a million concussions every year and there are at least 50% of the concussions that are not reported. One that acquires a concussion will go through neurocognitive testing, see a physician, and go through screenings and more. Although these methods for management are being done to treat a concussion, there is not any evidence based practice to say that those methods are actually working. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore multiple treatment options, clinical rationale, and outcomes for each treatment. There were 24 cases a clients that were referred the Clinic at the University of Oregon for persistent concussive symptoms related to a sports injury. There were 14 women and 10
The most vivid injury in my mind is one that still shows today on my right ankle.
In testicular torsion, the testicle becomes twisted in the scrotum and loses its blood supply. It is a serious emergency. If this twisting is not relieved quickly, the testicle may be permanently lost. This condition is extremely painful. Call 911 or see your health care provider immediately. Losing blood supply for just a few hours can cause tissue death
Do you enjoy getting tackled over and over again? So then why would you let your kid get tackled over and over again? There are many benefits to sports but like all things, there have to be cons. There have been countless deaths, injuries and brain damage in football.
Nice job on your discussion of differential diagnoses. The testicular torsion as you mentioned is a medical emergency with a six-hour window for the risk of possible necrosis of the testicle. The most common type of testicular torsion is an intravaginal torsion and occurs while the male is in utero and does not appear until individuals are in older childhood or adulthood (Kroger-Jarvis & Gillespie, 2016). With this torsion, the testis and epididymis are not attached within the scrotum leaving the risk for twisting (Kroger-Jarvis & Gillespie, 2016). When twisting of the testicle occurs, twisting of the spermatic cord causes an increase in pressure decreasing arterial blood flow to the same (Kroger-Jarvis & Gillespie, 2016). Rotation
A penile fracture is a break in one of the tissue layers that line the penis when it is hardened (erect).
Complications that can result from urethral injuries include infection, bleeding, permanent narrowing (stricture), erectile dysfunction, and uncontrollable loss of urine (urinary incontinence).The most common symptoms include blood at the tip of the penis in men or the urethral opening in women, blood in the urine, an inability to urinate, and pain during urination. Bruising may be visible between the legs or in the penis. Other symptoms may arise when complications develop. For example, if urine leaks into surrounding tissues, infection may result. In addition, the injury may cause the urethra to narrow (stricture) near or at the site of injury. Men may also experience impairment in the ability to have an erection (erectile dysfunction),
In sports, especially professional sports injury is a great possibly, and a common and very serious injury is plaguing all sports. The concussion is that injury. And over the past few years the NHL and other leagues or trying to crack down on concussions; but those are only partial solutions. In hockey concussions, can come from anything and happen at any time. Thus, proposing a solution or a way to prevent them, is very difficult. As per a study that took place from 1997-2004, results published in 2011 by CTV, states “With averages ranging from 4.6 to 7.7 concussions per 100 NHL players per season, it’s likely that each of the 30 teams in the league will see at least one or two players miss time due to a concussion every year” (Tahirali). Thusly supporting how many players received concussions, even if this study is older. Many people are fighting to get the game changed to combat concussions, and just as many fight to not change the game; although they still do not want concussions.
Injuries play a big role in an athlete's career and his or her overall health, although minor injuries are often nothing to worry about they can lead to something serious especially if the injury is repeatedly being aggravated. scrapes, cuts, bruises, and broken bones are all things to worry about. When a player is injured he or she is losing play time and money and why risk this when there is small but giant steps that can be taken to prevent injuries. But brain injuries are something much more serious even if the player says not to worry because something worse than losing playtime is losing your life. Albert C. hergenroeder has written an article on preventing sports injuries, he says that there are 3 million sports injuries among kids around