
Test Questions: Hispanic and Latino American Diversity

Decent Essays

Week 7 Test- Hispanic/Latino American Diversity
Part I. Each question is worth 3 points. For multiple choice questions, use highlight or bold to mark your answers.

1. The development of solidarity between ethnic subgroups, as reflected in the terms Hispanic and Asian Americans is called a. symbolic ethnicity b. ethnic solidarity c. panethnicity d. ethnic paradox

2. The common heritage of Hispanics is a. culture. b. race. c. language. d. all of these

3. At the beginning of the 21st century, Latino households can expect to earn __________ received by White households. a. 40 cents on the dollar b. 55 cents on the dollar c. 70 cents on the dollar d. 85 cents on the dollar

4. The term ________ is more …show more content…

The color gradient in U.S. society has always been around. In fact it is alive and well in the African American community. In some circles a light skinned African American woman isn’t “REALLY” black to some who are of a darker hue. Which for many people has often lead to some feeling like they have to continually “prove their blackness.” This is the same in many Hispanic households where in Puerto Rico the darker skinned Puerto Ricans are treated as a lower class citizen and this treatment comes from with in the ranks of the Puerto Rican people, not from another culture. So yes, the color gradient is very much a part of the U.S. lifestyle and culture.

The immigration patterns of the Central and South American nations have been labeled as sporadic. The immigration pattern has been dictated by both the U.S. Immigration laws and social forces within the homelands of these immigrants. Many of the immigrants made their move based on what they perceived to be better economic opportunities in the US during the 1960’s.
Perceived economic opportunities escalated the northward movement in the
1960s. These groups had been classified as non-whites in the 70’s and since the mid 70’s many of the immigrants have made their migration based on civil unrest in their homelands. Immigrants from Central and South America have increased in numbers rapidly since the 1980’s and have even

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