
Terrific Non-Errors In My Life

Decent Essays

“Too many people go through life complaining about their problems. I’ve always believed that if you took one-tenth the energy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you’d be surprised by how well things can work out.
I’ve known some terrific non-complainers in my life. One was Sandy Blatt, my landlord during graduate school. When he was a young man, a truck backed into him while he was unloading boxes into the cellar of a building. He toppled backwards down the steps and into the cellar. ‘How far was the fall?’ asked. His answer was simple: ‘Far enough.’ He spent the rest of his life as a quadriplegic.
Sandy had been a phenomenal athlete, and at the time of the accident, he was engaged to be married. …show more content…

One of my dad’s good friends, Frank, stops by our house for dinner every once in awhile, to catch up on what my family has been up to. Frank runs a farm and a small roofing/construction business, and was excited to get back to work after ending his cancer treatments and steadily regaining strength and health. The last time Frank stopped by for dinner was in the early spring this past year, he stayed for a while and caught up with my dad, and then headed home. The next day we heard that while he was on his way home, Frank was in a terrible accident and had been ejected from his truck, and sent to a hospital in Syracuse where he was in a medically induced coma. The doctors were alarmed by the fluid and swelling around the spinal cord and hoped that the coma would help reduce the pressure, but it was clear that Frank would be paralysed from the waist down and would not walk again. We were all shocked and felt horrible for Frank, how was he going to run his farm if he could not walk? We assumed that this would destroy Frank and that he would be very upset, but from the moment he found out he kept a positive attitude. Frank would joke, “I guess it is time that I stay in the office and do paperwork and let the boys handle the cows!” He stayed positive and was able to get out of the rehab center quickly and come home. Frank, like Sandy Blatt, has a positive, non-complaining attitude and will

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