
Ten Commandments: The Code Of Hammurabi

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Ten Commandments:

The Ten Commandments are from God to show what we should don’t do so that we can enter Heaven. Moss got these from the top of a mountain from God. When God gave these Commandments to us he was showing us how to live our faith. All of the Ten Commandments teach us how to have a better faith and love for God. The first Commandment tells us not to have other God’s before me. The second tells us not to worship any other God’s because there is only one God. The Third Commandment tells us not to us the Lord's God name in vain because you not respecting the Lord who had created you. The Fourth Commandment tells us to go to Mass on the Holy Day because that is a day of rest for God. The Fifth Commandment …show more content…

All of these Code means something important. A man could be charged with a crime by another man if the man being charge is found guilty then he shall be put to death. Or the man being charge will be either thrown into a river or other things etc. This is talking about a lot of different things about punishment and how one crime can lead to things punishment. If a man steals some things then he would be thrown into the river. If a man kills someone then that man would be put to death. If a man steals something from God than that man will be put to death. There are a lot of things that can put a man to death with these codes. I talked about how different Codes can lead to different punishments. How all of these Codes tell us what not to do. If we do these Codes then we will be punished. Many crime involved in many different punishment but the worst the crime that worst the punishment will be.

The Eight Beatitudes:

I am going to talk about all of the different beatitudes. Also I am going to talk about what they mean because these are rules that we should pay attention …show more content…

Motives of mourning are not to be drawn from the miseries of a life of poverty abjection, and subjection, which are the very blessing but rather from those miseries from which the pious man is suffering in himself and in others, and most of all the tremendous might of evil throughout the world. The Fourth Beatitude tells us to have a strong and continuous desire of progress in religious the reward of which will be the very fulfilment of the desire, the continuous growth in holiness. The Fifth Beatitude tells us to inForm this interior desire a further step should be taken to acting to the works of mercy, corporal and spiritual. Through these the merciful will obtain the Divine mercy of the Messianic kingdom, in this life and in the final

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