
Tellico Dam Controversy

Decent Essays

It’s All About Giving a Dam
“The dam and reservoir required the purchase of about 22,000 acres of land” 1-1 . This is the number that lies at the heart of a wound and a controversy that is deeply rooted in Eastern Tennessee. While the number is large and significant, it is not the amount of land that was lost to the Tellico Dam project that caused the people of that area such grief. Rather, it was the meaning of the land that once intertwined irreplaceable history, livelihoods, sport and the like of a community for centuries. At a time in the nation's history where just the pitch for job growth and intercommunication between urban and countryside peaked the interest of hurting rural communities, TVA was met with harsh opposition from …show more content…

However, due to the demand for soldiers for World War II the wheels of the operation did not officially begin until almost 30 years later (1). Approval for the Tellico project came in the early 1960s when the TVA had the unified support of congressional delegates from Tennessee, as well as all other southeastern states that would be directly affected by the damming of the Little Tennessee River. On April 15, 1963, after the endorsement for the project was approved, congressional funding was sought after in order to move forward with foundational structure. Finally, after a few minor complications in procedure, the Public Works Appropriation Act included $3.2 million to begin the construction of the tellico Dam in March of 1967. (21) Originally, the support for the dam on the governmental side was lacking, due to the notion that the benefit to cost ratio hovered around .6 to 1. The rationale for such dismal projections was due to the fact that Tellico Dam could not stand alone as a power generation project. This forced the TVA to adjust how they pitched the idea to receive enough funding to ensure that the idea received enough support.(16) Rather than focusing on a energy efficiency and infrastructural growth as a platform, the Authority presented to plan as social benefit the otherwise rural and quiet society. The

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