
Technology In The Novel Feed By M. T. Anderson

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Youth adult fictional writer Scott Westerfeld once proclaimed, “You see, freedom has a way of destroying things”. Man’s greatest want creates our biggest fear, and what gives the human species more freedom than technology. The ability to travel the world in a few short weeks, create things that would otherwise be impossible, and our favorite, the ability to obtain knowledge far beyond the average human's capability through the internet. Technology, no doubt the greatest accomplishment of the human species in most minds, however, there are those who have seen the dark truth about technology and would disagree. M. T. Anderson, a writer for teens and young adults , has voiced his opinions on this topic in his L. A. Times award winning novel feed. …show more content…

T. Anderson’s fabulous masterpiece feed gives no light say to the destructive path technology has taken to possess humans. Unlike the majority of authors, Anderson does not capitalize his chapter titles resembling the characters in that proper punctuation renders useless in a society that talks not with pen and paper, but through technology. Technology even replaces the need for physical movement of the vocal cord to communicate, and school, changes from a place of learning how to use our brain to how to use technology. Anderson also shows the effects technology has on us with his formatting by implementing ads and news reports from the feed at the end of some of the chapters that displays technology has taken control of humans. It doesn’t matter how much one loves “the cola with the refreshing taste of citrus and butter;” this has to grow old really fast (Anderson 26). This displays that technology ventures wherever we pass, so we cannot escape it. The only disease that can’t rehabilitate with medicine, but instead the one major asset it destroys, the brain. By formatting his novel like this, not only does M. T. Anderson make feed unique, but he also teaches a lesson on the effects technology has on humans as individuals and as a …show more content…

T. Anderson's tragic novel feed foreshadows the end of the human species and the world due to and our acceptance of technology. Countless times, Anderson comments on the environment of the world in his novel. Billions of cockroaches cover the Earth while all other life has no presence, and the ocean, filled with toxins, must be approached in a chemical suit, not to be felt with your bare hands. The destruction of a forest, “knocked down to make an air factory,” presents Anderson’s mindset in an ironic way, that humans accept the use of technology too easily (Anderson 125). People of the feed society accepted the fact that humans need air to survive and decided to build air factories because factories produce air much faster than trees. Most likely, this happens with most of the natural processes of the world in the feed society, and with all these factories there comes a great deal of waste. Titus’s “mom had lost so much skin you could see her teeth even when her mouth was closed” most likely due to the chemicals in the air (Anderson 284). Toxins are most likely the cause of the gruesome lesions that form all over a person's body, which are accepted as “in” when their favorite feed show stars breakout with them. Even though lesions are a terrible thing for your body, the people follow because the technology has presented it to them as a good thing. This inanimate environment M. T. Anderson had painted for feed, admonishes the over acceptance of

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