
Feed By Anderson

Decent Essays

Zbigniew Brzezinski once said “no matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using environment to manipulate behavior for national advantages to some, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades” Throughout the years, humans have seen a significant amount of technology advancements and its implication for human beings and the environment. M.T. Anderson’s novel “Feed” gives readers a representation of ing aa future dystopian world, one in which technology is not just around us but implanted inside our heads. Anderson draws parallels between our society and that of the feed which creates an ominous warning for our own society. The environment turns into a disaster due to how rapidly technology is advancing. Has technology’s rapid advancement allowed humans to produce meat without having animals? This is represented in the chapter “A Day in the Country,” when Titus and Violet visit a “filet mignon farm” (Anderson, page 142). A farm that has no livestock but instead has plantations …show more content…

The world of the feed is infected with so much radiation in the atmosphere that humans are not allowed to reproduce children through sexual intercourse. A couple’s genes are no longer needed to create a child. As a result of this, individuals can control the outcome of their children. As Titus’s mom describes what she told the “we want him with my nose and his dad’s eyes, and for the rest, we have this picture of DelGlacey Murdoch’” (Anderson, page 116). In today’s society there are different ways to have kids through surrogates or embryos.
Either in the world of the feed or in real life, technology has separated humans from connecting with nature. As a result, humans have become the consumers instead of being the receiver. Just like the synthetic meat humans become artificial. Technology, as Anderson describes, has become an “end of

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