
Technology And Its Effect On Society

Decent Essays

In Idaho, a group of parents and teachers lobbied against technology in the classroom. They disagreed with the way technology was placed in the classroom and felt that their voice about the subject wasn’t being heard so they protested. Technology plays a huge role in today’s society. It seems to be replacing human interaction and changing society and it is finding its way into classrooms more and more. Technology is not the main cause for why test rates are low, but when it comes down to the math section in the ACT Standardized test students fiddle with their calculator because that’s the only way they learned to solve problems. Schools get so focused on using technology that they don’t teach students how to work things out manually. Education Week reported a study in 2007. The results of the study noted that “no difference in academic achievement between students who used the technology in their classrooms and youngsters who used other methods.” Technology is supposed to improve academics, not keep it stagnant. If those are the results of technology in the classroom then the time spent using computers needs to be replaced with something that is productive.
Many teachers and parents aren’t against the use of technology in the classroom, but they also aren’t in full support of it being in the academic system. For starters, legislation is pulling money from the salary of teachers and using it to buy the technology for schools. Teachers have no warning or say as to whether or

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