
Technology And Cell Phones : The Progression Of Technology

Decent Essays

Every day we use some form of technology. From the sound of the alarm on our cellphones waking us up to the ping of notifications, tweets, and news that interest us; we eat and breathe technology. In a world full of apps for everything and computers connecting us worldwide, we are living the good life. Ask yourself, when was the last time you were able to go an hour without your cell phone? your tablet? technology? Can you count change without waiting for the register to tell you the amount due? Why do we believe everything we research on the computers is valid? We no longer wear watches or learn how to tell time, watch weather on TV, or even calculate the miles for a road trip. The progression of technology has improved the quality of our life and how we live. Many people believed this progress is worth it. However, all progress has a cost? Do you ever think what that cost might be? We are so dependent on technology that without it would we be able to live? Is it dangerous? What would happen if it all went away? Before the 90’s the technology we are so comfortably dependent on did not exist. Yes, cell phones existed and computers existed however the average person did not own one. Pay phones were the way we communicated publicly and reading a map was essential to planning a road trip. Curiosity and discovery was still essential to innovation. Before progress was to improve safety, increase proficiency and find new and innovative ways of doing things. Now it

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