
Society Is Too Dependent On Technology

Decent Essays

In today’s modern world, technology reigns. Millions of people all over the globe utilize technology for a multitude of purposes every day, whether it be at work, school, or even from the leisure of their home. If you were to ask most people in America if they could live without technology even for a day, the answer would most likely be no. Contrary to opinions that are popular with my fellow millennials, I think that society is too dependent on technology. I believe society relies on technology too much because we use the internet for simple tasks that we should be capable of doing ourselves, our dependence has resulted in laziness, and technology is rapidly replacing people in the workplace, thus resulting in less jobs. How many times a day do you use Google to search a simple question? According to Internet Live Stats, there are over 3.5 billion searches on Google everyday. People use technology to answer easy questions and perform simple tasks every minute, when they could be finding out the answer from a book or even another person. I see my fellow classmates searching the answer to questions that they can’t find in their textbook everyday. Even I have been guilty of searching a question that I was unsure of on the internet; we have all had instances that we did this. However, this creates a mindset that we only need to learn the things that are useful in school. This deters students from really trying in the classroom setting and even later on in life.
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