
Tech Sonic Transfer Pricing: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Transfer pricing refers to the price that is applied to a transaction that occurs within a single organization, oftentimes between subsidiaries of the same company that are located in distinct regions or nations (McKinley & Owsley, 2013). For operational purposes these transactions are collapsed into a unified set of financial results, they are, however, identified and retained for accounting purposes. Transfer prices are crucial for tracking the taxable income assigned to a particular national jurisdiction when a multinational firm makes frequent use of transfers. In the United States, transfer pricing is predicated on the IRS and its ability to track taxable income that is sourced from a number of related parties. This allows entities like …show more content…

One option for Tech Sonic is simply to alter the reported price of transferring the desired goods from one subsidiary to the other. To take advantage of the lower effective tax rate, Tech Sonic could record a higher transfer cost between the Malaysian subsidiary and the United States subsidiary so that a higher proportion of the revenue from the transaction is reported under the Malaysian arm, thus transferring a greater portion of the financial tax burden to Malaysia, where the tax rate is lower. This strategy may carry less overhead costs in terms of operational changes since there would not need to be any changes in the location of production for the chips in question. Yet this would result in a loss in recorded income and profitability for the subsidiary that is purchasing the transfer as compared to the subsidiary that is recorded as having produced and delivered the transfer. So the management structure and, particularly, the extent to which the company hierarchy is integrated will determine how much any such change will give rise to a rift between managers of the two subsidiaries. Another problem is that such merely clerical changes may invite investigation from tax officials or other outside watchdog observers, looking for instances where companies are artificially trying to reduce their tax burden in a particularly high tax rate. Yet another problem with this strategic option is …show more content…

The company should produce the chip in Malaysia to take advantage of a low tax burden on the production of the chip, and carefully record the value added activities that take place within the US subsidiary after delivery of the chip has occurred. This will create a clear definition between the costs and activities performed by the two subsidiaries, and will also link value add to sale price in the US market. Tech Sonic should also carefully record any development, research, and any other R&D expenses related to the development and production of the Tech 960 chip in order to properly assign these costs and their associated revenues and profits to the appropriate national

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