
Target Corporation

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Macro Environment: Target Corporation
Economic: Target’s position in the Discount Department Store Industry has been to offer inexpensive and fashionable clothing, home furnishings and decorations. Their motto has been Expect More Pay Less. They have been very successful with this strategy until the downturn of the economy when sales began to seriously decline.
Target’s latest strategy has been to open SuperTargets and remodeled many of their existing stores that have a larger focus on food and household essentials. “In early 2010 Target announced in a strategy update that it plans to spend $1 billion to renovate about 340 of its existing stores in 2010.” They will be focusing more on groceries, beauty, home, and electronic …show more content…

Using this as their official corporate website, the corporation’s current position to the online marketplace is comparatively competitive marketing strategy. By marketing online they are known worldwide giving them more brand recognition and sales.

Political: Target states in their Civic Activity Report that “Target contributes to federal, state and local political candidates, caucuses and causes based strictly on issues that directly affect our retail and business interests. Our political contributions are made through legal means and through the TargetCitizens PAC, which is funded through the voluntary efforts of our eligible team members.”
Legal: Target’s credit card segment has been issuing Visa Credit Cards since 2001 and Target credit cards since 1995. They were very successful in this market until the downturn in the economy which found many customers defaulting on their credit cards. In April of 2010 they stopped issuing Visa cards. They will now only issue in house credit cards. The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 have placed many restrictions on credit card companies.

Global: Target has not yet expanded into the global market. Expanding into the global market could be very beneficial to Target Corporation. Considering the populations of China and India, billions of

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